
Wyoming Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Wyoming Unemployment Job Search Requirements

In order to receive Wyoming unemployment benefits and maintain UI eligibility, you have to show that you are actively looking for a job. You must contact at least two employers every week to meet the work search requirement. You cannot count your own business as a job search contact.

If you work a part-time job for someone else, that can count as one of your two job search contacts for the week, but you still have to look for a full-time job. When you file weekly claims, you’ll need to provide two job search contacts. You will need to keep a record of these contacts, including:

  • Date you talked to the employer
  • Name of the employer
  • How you contacted them (online application, phone, email, etc.)
  • Name of the person you talked to and their contact information
  • Type of job you’re looking for
  • What happened after you contacted them

Even after you stop receiving unemployment benefits, the unemployment office may ask to see your job search log. If you are unable to provide it, you may have to pay back the benefits you received.

Do I Have to Accept Any Job?

After being unemployed for four weeks, you must accept a job offer that’s different from what you normally do, and be okay with making 50 percent of your last hourly wage, the minimum wage, or the starting wage for the type of work you’re applying for (whichever wage is higher).

Wyoming Unemployment Job Training Programs

Wyoming’s Unemployment Insurance Division has created a number of programs to help claimants with their work search activities. These programs include:

Business Occupational Outlook Tool Set (BOOTS)

When Governor Mark Gordon was elected in 2019, he saw that Wyoming had a lot of opportunities when it came to education and jobs. So, he created a new online platform to help people find local schools and job opportunities. The goal is to help more people in Wyoming get the education they need to find a good job.

Dads Making a Difference

The Dads Making a Difference program is a special training program for fathers who are having trouble making ends meet. It helps these fathers by giving them job training to find a secure job with good pay. The program also teaches life skills, such as how to be a good parent, manage money, search for jobs, and stay in a job. Participants will also receive counseling and have the opportunity to get involved in the community.

Eligible Training Provider List

Wyoming’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) helps workers who have lost their jobs find the right training programs to help them find employment.

The list is meant to give people a variety of training programs to help them achieve their career goals. A group called the Wyoming Workforce Development Council (WWDC) decides which training providers should be approved based on what Wyoming needs for its workforce. All the training programs that the WWDC approves are put on a public list that anyone can access. This list is called the Statewide Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL).

Federal Bonding Programs

The Federal Bonding Program assists employers who can’t hire qualified workers because they cannot be bonded by normal insurance companies. The program provides free bonds to employers who hire people who have a hard time finding employment because of circumstances like past arrests, drug or alcohol problems, no work history, being kicked out of the military, or bad credit. These people must have a permanent, full-time job to be eligible for the free bond.

Migrant & Seasonal Farm Worker Program

The Migrant & Seasonal Farm Worker Program helps farm workers who move from place to place for work or who only work seasonally. This program helps these workers become more self-sufficient by connecting them with job opportunities and training to improve their employment situation.

POWER Program

The Federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is called the POWER program in Wyoming. It helps families who don’t have enough money to care for their children. The program works to help parents find jobs and become self-sufficient so they don’t have to rely on government benefits. It also works to prevent unplanned pregnancies and encourages two-parent households.

Senior Community Service Employment Program

The Senior Community Service Employment Program helps workers in Wyoming who are over the age of 55, are low income, and don’t have a job. They receive a case manager who assists them with job training for up to 20 hours per week doing community service projects. The goal is to help them find a job that pays enough money to support themselves without assistance from the government.

Veterans Program

The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Employment & Training Workforce Centers offer employment and job training to veterans from all branches of the military. Staff at all Wagner-Peyser and Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Workforce Centers help veterans with finding a job, writing resumes, figuring out what skills they can offer an employer, and researching information about jobs.

Vocational Rehabilitation

The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services helps people with disabilities find jobs so they can be productive members of the workforce. Every year, the Vocational Rehabilitation Division works with more than 4,000 people with disabilities in Wyoming. About 700 of these people will finish a rehabilitation program and find a job. For every dollar spent on Vocational Rehabilitation services, people with disabilities can earn, on average, $11 more in taxable income.

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was created to help people find jobs in the modern world. The program is funded by the government and run by the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. WIOA helps young people and adults prepare for work.

They offer many services to help people secure jobs, such as administering aptitude tests to figure out peoples’ skills and interests, creating a plan for finding a job, and training for high-demand jobs that pay well. They can also help people get work experience and on-the-job training.

Wyoming at Work

Wyoming at Work is a job search platform that lists employment opportunities available in the state of Wyoming. It also helps job seekers create and print a resume to submit to employers. The website lists employers currently hiring, job fairs, training opportunities, educational programs, and more.

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