Maryland Unemployment Benefits Extended: What You Should Know

Maryland unemployment extension

Gov. Larry Hogan’s attempt to terminate Maryland’s unemployment benefits early was quashed by a Baltimore judge last week. Judge Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill passed a preliminary injunction ordering immediate action to ensure that Maryland citizens receive all unemployment assistance made available by federal programs.  The judgement was a consequence of multiple cases against the Governor’s decision to stop the three federal pandemic assistance programs. Even as Gov. Hogan defended his decision … Read more

How to Calculate Virginia Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit amount for claimants from Virginia are determined by the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) after reviewing your eligibility and past earnings in your base period. The base period is the first four of the last five calendar quarters. Calendar quarters are three-month periods, starting with January of each year. When you become eligible for unemployment compensation, your weekly benefit amount will be conveyed to you, but you … Read more

Unemployment Benefits and Extension in Vermont

Basic requisite to claim the unemployment benefit from Vermont is that you must have worked in the past for about 18 months before you became unemployed. You can apply for the unemployment benefit either when you are jobless or when you work less than 35 hours per week in the state of Vermont. If you quit your job on your own, you can file the claim and get the benefit … Read more

How To Repay Overpaid Unemployment Benefits In Texas?

The Coronavirus pandemic has taken the United States by storm. It has shuttered the economy leading to a drastic increase in the unemployment rate. In Texas alone, the unemployment rate was 13% in May, and about 2.7 million people have filed for Unemployment Insurance (UI) since mid-March.  The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has paid over $800 billion federal and state funding unemployment benefits and is expected to pay more in … Read more

A Detailed Look At Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation In Virginia

The Coronavirus pandemic has taken the United States by storm. Virginia is one of the states worst hit by both the pandemic and pandemic-induced economic shutdown. According to the reports, more than 600,000 Virginians have lost their jobs since March 2020. As tough it is to lose a job, people struggle to collect unemployment benefits, especially under the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program.  To help people with the process, … Read more

Can You Collect Your Unemployment If You Quit A Job?

The Department Of Labor provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits if you lose your job through no fault of your own. But the question is, can you collect your unemployment if you quit a job? The answer, Depends.  you cannot collect unemployment if you quit your job voluntarily without good cause. But if you had a good reason as defined by your state, you may qualify for benefits. Good Cause To … Read more

Can You Receive Extended Unemployment Benefits In Kansas?

Kansas is one of the states worst affected by the measures taken to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the reports of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Kansas unemployment rate in May was 10.0%. To help the unemployed, the state offers Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. Generally, the unemployment benefits last between 16 to 26 weeks. But due to the ongoing crisis, the authorities at the Department Of Labor have extended … Read more

When Can You Reopen An Unemployment Claim?

Laid off

The unemployed in the United States can collect Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. But when they return to their work or earn an equal or more than benefit amount, they should stop claiming benefits. However, under unfortunate circumstances, if they lose their job again, they can reopen an unemployment claim and collect weekly benefits.  In this article, we will walk through the process involved in reopening the claim. But before that, … Read more

Ghosted: Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies?

Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies

Are you on the job hunt and not hearing back from the companies you applied to? Well, they could be numerous reasons as to why you do not hearing back from jobs you applied for. Not knowing where you stand in your job search can be pretty stressful for you. The uncertainty on whether you should keep applying for more jobs or wait for a response from previous interviews and … Read more

Unemployment Benefit Disqualifications: Know The Top 5 Reasons

The federal government provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to those who lost their jobs. However, not all unemployed are eligible for the benefits. There are several requirements which one must meet in order to receive the benefits, failing to which they can be disqualified from receiving the benefits. Here, we will walk you through some of the reasons for unemployment benefit disqualifications. Unemployment Benefit Disqualifications Some of the circumstances that … Read more