
Wyoming Unemployment Appeal

Wyoming Unemployment Appeal

How to Appeal Wyoming Unemployment Benefit Denial

If your initial application for Wyoming unemployment benefits was denied, you have 28 days to protest or appeal the decision. You must alert the Unemployment Insurance Division in writing, and explain why you disagree with the decision. You can do this by logging into your WYUI account online, or by mailing/faxing a signed statement to the address or fax number listed in your determination letter. You can also deliver the appeal in person to any Wyoming Workforce Center.

Your appeal notification should include the following information:

  • Name and Social Security number
  • Current mailing address and phone number
  • Reason you disagree with the initial decision
  • Claimant signature

Wyoming Unemployment Appeals Hearings

Once you have filed an appeal, You will have to attend a hearing, either in person or over the phone, to tell your side of the story with all interested parties present. The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services will mail you a hearing notice packet with the date and time of your appeal hearing, as well as directions on how you can submit additional documents and evidence you’d like to be considered.

You also have the option to call witnesses to testify on your behalf. Translation services are available to any claimants or witnesses who do not speak English.

Where are hearings held?

Most hearings will be held via telephone, though sometimes they may be held in person at your local unemployment office.

During the hearing, all parties will have an opportunity to present their case. The hearing officer will later issue a written decision.

If you are unable to attend your hearing during the scheduled day and time, you will need to contact the Unemployment Insurance Division of Appeals at (307) 235-3246. Failure to appear at an appeals hearing could affect the outcome of your benefit claim.

You will also need to notify the Unemployment Insurance Division of any address changes in writing. The U.S. Postal Service is unable to forward Unemployment Insurance Division mail, including checks and determinations.

Preparing for Unemployment Appeals Hearing

To prepare for your hearing, you can watch a video that shows what a mock hearing might look like. This video can help you get ready for your own unemployment appeal hearing.

The video will show hearing officers conducting a fictional hearing regarding Wyoming unemployment benefits. The hearing officer assigned to your case will follow a similar procedure.

If you have any questions about the appeals process, please call the Unemployment Appeals Section at (307) 235-3299.

Collecting Unemployment Benefits While Awaiting an Appeals Decision

During the appeals process, you will need to keep filing a weekly claim for each week you are unemployed. You will only be paid for the weeks in which you filed a claim and are determined to be eligible for unemployment compensation benefits.

If you win your appeal for Wyoming unemployment insurance, you will continue to be paid unemployment compensation for each week you are unemployed. If you lose, any benefit amount you previously received will be labeled as an overpayment, and will have to be paid back according to the overpayment terms set by Wyoming law. Be sure to pay back any money you shouldn’t have received to avoid accusations of unemployment fraud.

If you or your employer disagree with the appeals decision, you can give new information in a protest statement in an attempt to schedule a second appeal.

Second Appeal in Wyoming

If your first appeal is denied, you can appeal once more and present your case before a three-person commission that meets once per month.

Keep in mind that employers also have the right to protest and appeal a decision about why someone lost their job, especially if they were terminated for good cause. If this happens, the person who filed for unemployment may be asked to attend a hearing to explain their side of the story.