
West Virginia Unemployment Job Search Requirements

West Virginia Unemployment Benefits

If you’ve applied for WV unemployment benefits, you must continue to meet the ongoing eligibility requirements. Each week, you must certify that you are ready to work, able to work, and actively looking for a job. Each week when you file your weekly claim, you must meet work search requirements before you can be paid.

These rules help ensure that UI recipients are trying hard to find work, and not just relying on WV unemployment benefits. It’s all about helping folks get back into jobs and lowering the number of unemployed West Virginia residents.

WV Unemployment Work Search Requirements

The work search requirements are a big part of the unemployment claim process in West Virginia. You must perform approved work search activities and document the results in the Work Search Activity Log.

How many work search activities are required in West Virginia?

Workforce West Virginia does not specify a minimum number of job search activities. You just need to be able to prove that you are actively searching for work each week. It’s very important to keep your activity log updated and accurate because you can be audited by Workforce West Virginia at any time.

Examples of approved work search activities

Here are some examples of approved job search activities:

  • Find job contacts using the Workforce WV Job Search Tool
  • Take part in a workshop called ‘Reemployment Services Eligibility Assessment’ (RESEA).
  • Apply for jobs on websites like Monster, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and others
  • Go to job fairs, hiring events, events where you can meet and talk with others in your field, or events at a Workforce WV Job Center.
  • Update your online resume
  • Reach out to a possible employer, either face-to-face or on the phone

Remember to record your job search activities every week. You need to do this before midnight on Saturday, covering what you did from Sunday to Saturday.

Hold onto any proof of each work requirement, like emails confirming you applied, application confirmation receipts, job fair information, etc.

Documenting Your Work Search Activities

To document each work search requirement, you can use the official Work Search Activity Log, but you are free to document them through some other method.

You must have the following information included in your documentation for each work search requirement:

  • Date you reached out
  • Name and address of the place you applied to
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Website link or name of job contact
  • Job title you applied for
  • How you reached out (email, phone, in person, etc.)
  • What happened after you reached out

You must write down your job search activities every week, before midnight on Saturday, for everything you did from Sunday through Saturday.

You can be asked at any time to provide documentation of your work search activities. Missing or incomplete information can lead to a denial of your unemployment insurance benefits.

Sometimes, a work search requirement might be logged automatically. For example, if you use the West Virginia online Find a Job search tool, it can keep track of the job contacts you make.

Accepting a Suitable Job Offer

The goal of these work search requirements is to help you find a job. Your weekly unemployment benefit can be denied if you refuse a suitable job offer.

If you get a job offer for a position that’s similar to your previous job, that is considered suitable work and you are required to accept the offer. If you refuse the offer, you must report the refusal when filing your weekly claim. Failing to do so would constitute WV unemployment fraud. If you end up losing UI benefits because you refused a job offer, you can always file an appeal.

WV Unemployment Job Training

In West Virginia, unemployed workers can take advantage of various job training opportunities. These initiatives provide a mix of academic, soft skills, and industry-specific training that can equip job seekers with skills and credentials that help secure better employment.

Apprenticeship In Motion (AIM)

The Apprenticeship In Motion (AIM) program promotes nontraditional apprenticeship opportunities. The program is a collaboration of many partners working together to identify and develop the types of training programs and job skills that West Virginia needs. This helps to improve and increase the registered apprenticeship opportunities for everyone in West Virginia.

What is a modern apprenticeship?

Modern apprenticeship is a combination of classroom learning and on-the-job training.

Here’s how it works: Companies create their own apprenticeships (including specific courses and on-the-job training) tailored to the needs of their business. AIM provides these businesses with the resources they need to develop a skilled workforce.

Benefits of Apprenticeship in Motion

  • On-the-job training from professionals with experience.
  • Technical education while you’re also gaining practical experience through your apprenticeship.
  • Once you’ve completed your apprenticeship, you earn a credential that’s recognized nationwide
  • As you master new skills, you can look forward to increased wages.
  • You’ll improve your skills and competencies, opening up more career opportunities and pathways for you in the future.

As a participant in the AIM program, you’re not just learning – you are preparing for a successful career.

Governor’s Guaranteed Work Force Program

The West Virginia Governor’s Guaranteed Work Force Program is a training program that provides financial assistance to new or expanding businesses in West Virginia. The goal of the program is to support effective employee training strategies by providing funds that assist with training, re-training, and enhancing the skills of employees at all levels.

The funds provided through the GGWFP are intended to increase worker productivity, enhance the skills of the workforce, and help stimulate economic development in West Virginia. Awards from the program cannot exceed $2,000 per trainee.

Job Programs for Veterans

WorkForce West Virginia welcomes military veterans and eligible spouses to the front of the line.

Some of the employment services available to veterans include:

  • Career assessment and counseling: WorkForce WV can help veterans plan the next steps in their career journey.
  • Resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills assistance: Veterans can take advantage of skills training when applying for jobs.
  • Support services referrals: Veterans that need help can be connected to the right places.
  • Job placement assistance: Veterans can receive help to find the right job based on their skills and interests.
  • Information on careers, training, education, and financial aid: Find out about all the services and benefits available to veterans.
  • Job search workshops: WorkForce WV offers a variety of workshops that can help veterans make their job search more effective.
  • Labor market information: Veterans can get insights into job trends and opportunities in West Virginia.
  • Computers with internet access: Local WorkForce WV Centers have resource rooms with computers, internet, fax machines, and more.

WV Adult Education

West Virginia’s Adult Education programs play a critical role in promoting employment. Training is divided into three categories:

Academic: The goal of WV Adult Education is to provide you with the resources and support to ensure your academic success. Find programs suited to your needs, whether you’re working towards your GED, preparing for a college entrance exam, or gearing up for the academic components of a work-based certification.

Soft Skills: Soft skills are just as important as hard skills in today’s job market. If you need help crafting a standout resume or writing a cover letter, find the training you need to stand out at a job interview.

Certifications: WV Adult Education offers a variety of certifications for customer service, digital skills, and mastering Microsoft Office products. Acquiring a new certification can help you expand your skills and increase your career opportunities.

WV Adult education programs help adults not only gain necessary job skills but also prepare them for career advancement opportunities and higher wage potential.

On the Job Training

The OJT program can provide occupational skills training for dislocated workers and low-income adults.

Businesses that offer on-the-job training can receive a reimbursement of a minimum of 50% of the new employee’s wages during their training period – up to a limit of $6,000.

To participate in the OJT program, both employers and employees must meet specific requirements:

  • The participant must be a new employee in the company.
  • The OJT position must meet O*NET standards.
  • The participant must be eligible under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
  • Businesses that wish to participate must be established and carry workers’ compensation insurance.

By utilizing the OJT program, job seekers can find meaningful employment in West Virginia.

Visit Workforce West Virginia

For more job training opportunities or help with your WV unemployment benefits, visit your local Workforce WV office. You can get help with your resume, attend a virtual job fair, and look for jobs that match your skills.

WorkForce West Virginia serves as the state’s central hub for workforce development services. The agency offers a variety of employment services that support the hiring process and assist with job training. In addition to searching the job database, you can find information about tax benefits and labor market data.

These services can be accessed at an American Job Center located throughout the state. WorkForce WV has the most extensive online database of job openings in the state, offering numerous career opportunities for West Virginia residents.

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