Max Weekly Benefit Amount
Max Weeks of Benefits
Current Jobless Rate

West Virginia Unemployment Benefits

West Virginia Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment benefits in Wyoming are provided by the Department of Workforce Services to eligible individuals who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. These benefits are intended as a temporary source of income to aid job seekers while they search for new employment.

The amount and duration of benefits typically depend on an individual’s previous earnings and the reason for the job loss.

West Virginia UI Benefits Calculator

The West Virginia Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your West Virginia Unemployment Benefits

Use the WV unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

West Virginia Unemployment Calculator

Eligibility for UI Benefits in West Virginia

You must meet monetary and job separation requirements to receive unemployment benefits in West Virginia.

Monetary Eligibility

You must have earned $2,200 gross wages in your entire base period and have paid wages in two or more quarters of your base period to monetarily qualify for West Virginia unemployment benefits.

Base Period: In West Virginia, the base period is the first four of the five complete calendar quarters before the start date of your unemployment claim. If you don’t have sufficient wages in the regular base period, the Workforce will consider your wages in the alternate base period.

Learn about West Virginia eligibility requirements

Job Separation

Another important eligibility requirement for WV unemployment insurance is the reason you became unemployed. You can qualify for unemployment benefits only if you have lost your job through no fault of your own.
But under certain circumstances, you may qualify for unemployment benefits if you quit your job, provided the reason for quit is any of the following:

  • You quit your job because of dangerous working conditions
  • You quit your job due to the domestic violence
  • You had a medical condition and were unable to work
  • You quit the job due to the harassment by your employer, or the employer was unable to stop harassment by a coworker

Note: The Workforce West Virginia may contact your employer to determine the actual reason for your job separation. If the Workforce determines that you provided misleading information, you will be disqualified from receiving benefits and may even face charges of WV unemployment fraud.

WV Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining Eligibility

You should maintain your eligibility throughout your benefit period. You can maintain eligibility in the following ways:

  • File your weekly claim on time/span>
  • Register for work with the Workforce West Virginia
  • Participate reemployment services and work search activities
  • Actively looking for a suitable job
  • Be able to work and be available for full-time work

Learn more about job search requirements

How to apply for UI benefits in West Virginia

To apply for West Virginia unemployment benefits, you need the following documents:


You should apply for unemployment benefits online through your Workforce WV account. However, you may also apply in person at your local Workforce WV Job Center.


You are encouraged to apply for unemployment benefits online. Visit and select “To file a new or additional initial unemployment claim” to file a claim online.


If you don’t have a computer or access to the internet, you can also file in person at your local Workforce WV Job Center.

Learn how to apply for WV unemployment benefits

How To File Weekly Claims

You can file your weekly unemployment claim certification either online by visiting your local Workforce WV Job Center.


  • You must certify your answers each week to verify your ongoing eligibility for UI benefits.
  • You are required to complete and document work search activities to prove you are searching for employment.
  • File weekly claim certification between Sunday at 12:01 a.m. and Friday at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Delay in filing the certification can result in loss of unemployment benefits for that week.

Learn how to file a weekly claim

Things To Know After Filing An Application

There are several aspects that you must know after filing for unemployment benefits.

Overpayment And Fraud

Sometimes, you may receive benefits more than what you are entitled to. Overpayments can occur due to various reasons, including an administrative error, a hearing officer reversing a previous award, or you were later found to be unemployed through your fault and were disqualified from receiving unemployment benefits.

If you receive an overpayment through no fault of your own, you will be required to repay the overpaid unemployment benefits. You can repay the overpayments either through the mail or check. If you are unable to do so, contact Workforce West Virginia.

Fraud/ Willful Misrepresentation

If you receive overpayments due to false statements or misrepresentation intentionally, that’s considered WV unemployment fraud. You may be disqualified from receiving benefits and have to pay a 20% penalty on overpaid amounts. You may face criminal charges.

Benefits Extension

Normally, the state of West Virginia provides benefits for up to 26 weeks. However, if the unemployment rate is too high, it may provide extended benefits. Visit Workforce West Virginia to know more about the benefits extension programs.

Job Training Assistance

The West Virginia workforce offers development services to help you find a job or acquire new skills. The local offices throughout the state offer one-on-one assistance and a database of jobs to help you screen employment opportunities online. The state’s career services can help you conduct a job search, prepare a cover letter and resume, and improve interview skills.

Find job training opportunities in WV

West Virginia unemployment contact information

If you have questions about your claim for NC unemployment benefits, you can call the Workforce WV Claims Support phone number.

If you need assistance finding a new job, including help with UI claims, resume writing, job interview preparation, current labor market information, and job training programs, visit your local Workforce WV Career Center.

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