
District of Columbia Unemployment Weekly Claims

District of Columbia Unemployment Weekly Claims

To maintain your DC unemployment eligibility, you need to certify every week with DC Networks. This is called filing your weekly claim. During this process, you must report any income and maintain that you are ready, able and actively seeking work. You are required to perform (2) work search activities each week and document job contacts.

The first day to file your weekly claim is on the Sunday after you first file your claim.

Once you apply for unemployment benefits, you should expect to receive your first claim form by mail. If you do not receive this form within one week of applying, you should visit your local American Job Center or contact the call center.

How to file your DC unemployment weekly claim

You can file your weekly claim over the phone, online, by mail, or in person.

By Phone

Call 202-724- 7000 to file your weekly claim over the phone.


File your weekly claim for benefits online at

To file your weekly unemployment benefits claim online, follow these instructions:

  • Log into your account and select Claim Unemployment Benefits
  • File your weekly claim by answering all questions for each week
  • Choose Yes or No for each question, and enter any additional requested information
  • Enter the gross earnings amount before deductions
  • Enter the weekly amount of severance pay, if applicable

By mail

Department of Employment Services
4058 Minnesota Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20019

Mailing instructions:

  • Sign and date your claim form
  • Mail your claim form no later than seven (7) days after the week ending date to the address printed on the claim form
  • Include your return address on the envelope
  • Be sure to apply proper postage to the envelope

Once you have sent your claim form, you should expect to receive another one in the mail for the following week within seven days. If you do not get the form within that timeframe, you have two options. You can either go in person to your local American Job Center or you can call the Call Center at 202-724-7000. The Call Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday to Friday.

In Person

You can also file a weekly claim by visiting a DC American Job Center in person.

When you fill out the form online or on the phone, you will need your password that you created when you submitted your unemployment application. If you forget it, you can call the Office of Unemployment Compensation for help.

Submit your certification between Sunday and Saturday of the previous week. The sooner you can submit it, the faster it will be processed. To have it processed on the same day, you need to file before 6 p.m. After that, claims will be processed on the next business day. Certifications submitted over the weekend are processed on the first business day of the following week.

The weekly claim starts on Sunday at midnight and ends the following Saturday at 11:59 pm. You can’t fill out the form before Sunday. You have up to seven days after the week ends to fill out the form, or you might not get your benefits. If you wait too long, you might need to apply again to start getting benefits again.

You can’t skip a week of certification and then certify for a later week. You must certify every week in order, without missing a week.

Important: Even if you were not eligible for benefits during a specific week, you should still certify for that week if you plan on certifying for the following week.

Examples of weekly claim questions

You must certify each week that you were unemployed and eligible for the benefits. This is done through a series of questions about your eligibility.

Were you physically and mentally able to work during the week claimed?

To be eligible for unemployment benefits, the claimant must be physically and mentally capable of working, and actively searching for work. If you have a condition that prevents you from working, you may not qualify for unemployment benefits.

Were you available for work during the week claimed?

Being available for work means that you were physically and mentally able to work and were actively seeking work during the week claimed. If you were not available for work during the week claimed, you may not be eligible to receive DC unemployment benefits for that week.

Did you look for work during the week claimed?

To keep receiving unemployment benefits, an unemployed worker must actively search for a job each week using different methods, like calling or emailing employers, browsing job listings, and checking with a former employer. If you did look for work, you need to provide details of your job search, such as the date, person you contacted, and accurate contact information of the employer.

Did you perform work during the week claimed?

If you worked during the week you’re claiming, you have to report how much you earned before taxes. To figure this out, you need to multiply the number of hours you worked by your hourly rate. For instance, if you worked 10 hours at $12 per hour, your weekly gross earnings would be $120. You’ll need to report this amount for the week you’re claiming. You can still receive partial unemployment benefits if you work part time, you just won’t receive the maximum benefit. Your weekly benefit amount (WBA) will be adjusted based on your earnings.

Did you refuse a job offer during the week claimed?

In Washington DC, the claimant is required to accept any suitable full-time job offer. If you turned down a job offer, you must report it here. Always be honest on your weekly claim to avoid issues with unemployment fraud. If you lie or hide information to get more UI benefits, you could be banned from getting benefits for a year after your claim ends.

Getting Paid

When you filed your initial claim, one of the steps was to choose your preferred benefit payment method. Signing up for direct deposit is the fastest way to receive your unemployment compensation. You can receive payment via direct deposit about 2 days after your weekly claim is processed by DOES. To estimate your benefit payment, use the Washington DC unemployment calculator.

Setting up direct deposit involves providing your bank account number and your bank’s routing number. If you don’t set up direct deposit, a debit card will be mailed to you. Your weekly benefit amount will be added to your debit card if you remain eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. Continue filing weekly claims until your benefits are exhausted. Learn more about DC unemployment extensions.

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