How much unemployment will I get if I make $900 a week?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $900 a week?

Your benefit amount will depend on several factors if you make $900 a week – there’s no standard benefit amount for everyone. Your state considers criteria such as your earnings history with all employers who have paid into your state’s insurance benefits program. They also take into consideration how much money you were earning before you lost your job. 


Let’s take a look at a few examples of what you can expect:

Washington DC Unemployment Calculator
If you make $900 per week in Washington DC, your estimated weekly benefit is $444 for up to 26 weeks.
Alabama Unemployment Calculator
If you make $900 per week in Alabama, your estimated weekly benefit is $275 for up to 20 weeks.
South Carolina Unemployment Calculator
If you make $900 per week in South Carolina, your estimated weekly benefit is $326 for up to 20 weeks.
Illinois Unemployment Calculator
If you make $900 per week in Illinois, your estimated weekly benefit is $423 for up to 26 weeks.

Select your state to calculate your weekly unemployment payment:

$900.00 a week is…

$900.00 a week (40 hours) Income
Hourly $22.50
Daily (8 hours) $180.00
Biweekly (80 hours) $1,800.00
Monthly (173 hours) $3,892.50
Quarterly (3 months) $11,677.50
Yearly (52 weeks) $46,800.00

How much is $900 per week?

$900 per week is close to an even $1,000. But what does it come out to on a monthly, yearly, and daily basis? Is the number dancing just short of your financial goals or does it help you meet them? In order to know this, we’ve got to do some math.

$900 a week is how much per hour?

How many hours do you work each week? For most people, that number does hover somewhere around 40, which is viewed as the traditional productive work week. To get your hourly income, you just need to divide your weekly income by your work hours.

$900 per week / 40 hours per week = $22.50 per hour.

$900 per week is $22.50 per hour.

This is certainly a decent hourly wage, and $5 more than the minimum wage in cities with the highest hourly wages (such as Seattle, which is above $17 per hour). But how does it stack up on a monthly basis?

$900 a week is how much per month?

First, you are going to need to find out how many hours your work per month, on average. Though this may surprise you, instead of multiplying your weekly wage by 4, it’s more accurate to use 173 hours in a month as the math calculation.

Here’s why we use the number 173:

40 hours per week x 52 weeks = 2080 hours annually

Now, you can find your monthly average.

2080 hours annually / 12 months = 173 hours per month

Now multiply that by your hourly wage.

$22.50 per hour x 173 hours per month = $3,892.50

$900 per week is $3,892.50  per month.

This number rests between the average monthly income in Detroit, Michigan ($3,873.21) and Cincinnati, Ohio ($3,902.74) if you are trying to get a sense of where you would fit in with the crowd, at least financially.

$900 a week is how much per quarter?

If you make $900 a week, all you need to do is multiply your monthly income by three. Let’s take the monthly wage that we calculated above:

$3,892.50 per month x 3 months = $11,677.50

$900 per week is $11,677.50 per quarter.

This figure is a useful metric for understanding how well you can meet periodic money obligations, some of which are necessary (like insurance payments) or discretionary (like holiday shopping or summer vacation).

$900 a week is how much per year?

To figure out your annual earnings, just take 52 weeks and multiply it by your weekly income.

$900 per week x 52 weeks = $46,800

$900 per week is $46,800 per year.

If you’re wondering what would happen if you bridged that gap every week and made an additional $100 (perhaps with a side hustle two nights a week), you would be looking at an additional $5,200 annually, which is probably more than enough to take a week-long cruise to an exotic location.

$900 a week is how much per day?

Everybody has a different workweek. And some people even have work weeks that vary from week to week. You can do your own math, but the formula will be the same. Take your hours and divide them by the number of days you work (in our case, we’ll use 5).

40 hours per week / 5 work days = 8 hours a day

Now that you have a daily amount of hours, multiply it by your hourly income.

$22.50 per hour x 8 hours per day = $180

$900 per week is $180 per day.

For many Americans, this might be the size of a utility bill in the winter or summer when they are using extra heat or air conditioning.

$900 a week is how much biweekly?

Are you getting paid every two weeks? Multiply $900 by two to get your number.

$900 per week x 2 weeks = $1,800

$900 per week is $1,800 biweekly.

It’s easy to remember because it’s just ten times your daily income.

If You Make $900 a Week, Should You Pay with a Credit Card or Debit Card?

Debit Card

This is kind of a trick question because most American consumers should avoid credit cards at all costs. Credit cards are actually designed to create debt traps for middle and lower class consumers. They offer points for every purchase, which seem very enticing. The problem is that most consumers fall too easily into the habit of using “just a little bit” of credit to live beyond their means. If they can only really afford dinner out once or twice a month, they might use a credit card to pay for a weekly date.

People who can only afford a weekend vacation to the beach might use a credit card to stretch that into an exotic cruise. Before they know it, the promotional periods of these cards have ended, and their owners are left paying 16%, 20%, or even 24% interest on their purchases.

In some instances, consumers could use credit cards if they have good self control. One example might be to use a credit card for paying automated expenses you will have to pay anyway, like your rent, utilities, and insurance. You could even cut the credit card up so you can’t use it for everyday purchases, and put the credit card payment on autopilot as well. Just make sure you keep track of when that is so that when the actual money comes out of your account, you won’t be caught off guard.

Your credit card might give you points or cash back, which you could redeem at the end of the year. If you have a little more self control, you could consider using a credit card for variable expenses that are still fixed in a sense, like gasoline. There are a number of cards that offer a substantial amount of cash back for gas. You could use the card only for the pump, and have self control about using it in other locations. The problem with using this strategy for variable expenses that seem somewhat fixed (like groceries) is that you might find yourself spending a little bit more than you should. The key phrase with credit cards is: Be careful.