How much unemployment will I get if I make $1,100 a week?

How much unemployment will I get if I make $1,100 a week?

Do you earn $1,100 per week? If so, you will receive an unemployment benefit amount determined by the state where you worked. To calculate your unemployment payment, the state will consider several different criteria, including how much money you earned before you submitted your unemployment claim.


For example, this is what you can expect from various U.S. states:

New Mexico Unemployment Calculator
If you make $1100 per week in New Mexico, your estimated weekly benefit is $565 for up to 26 weeks.
Vermont Unemployment Calculator
If you make $1100 per week in Vermont, your estimated weekly benefit is $583 for up to 26 weeks.
Mississippi Unemployment Calculator
If you make $1100 per week in Mississippi, your estimated weekly benefit is $235 for up to 26 weeks.
Oklahoma Unemployment Calculator
If you make $1100 per week in Oklahoma, your estimated weekly benefit is $539 for up to 26 weeks.

Select your state to calculate your weekly unemployment payment:

$1,100.00 a week is…

$1,100.00 a week (40 hours) Income
Hourly $27.50
Daily (8 hours) $220.00
Biweekly (80 hours) $2,200.00
Monthly (173 hours) $4,757.50
Quarterly (3 months) $14,272.50
Yearly (52 weeks) $57,200.00

How much is $1100 per week?

Are you making $1,100 each week? What does that translate to every month? How about every year, or per day? Let’s do some simple calculations to figure out your earnings over different periods. This can help you customize a budget to manage your expenses.

$1,100 a week is how much per hour?

The exact number of hours you work every week will vary based on your job. Self-employed individuals tend to work an average of up to 60 hours each week, while employed individuals work, on average, around 37.5. To keep it simple, we’ll just use the classic 40 hour work week. Divide your weekly haul by the number of hours you work per week to get the hourly rate.

$1,100 per week / 40 hours per week = $27.50 per hour.

$1,100 per week is $27.50 per hour.

This rate is twenty dollars and a quarter over the federal minimum wage. Or, looking at it another way, you’ve made minimum wage with some lunch money left over. OF course, that doesn’t apply every hour, but it can be fun to think about your income like that and break it down in terms of spending power.

$1,100 a week is how much per month?

The first step to answering this question is figuring out how many hours you actually work per month. To do that, you will need to consider how many hours you work per year. That’s because you want to have an actual average of your monthly work input, which is not (contrary to what you might guess) four weeks times four. It’s more accurate to use 173 hours in a month. Let’s start by multiplying your workweek by the number of weeks in a year.

40 hours per week x 52 weeks = 2080 hours annually

Now divide that number by the number of months in a year.

2080 hours annually / 12 months = 173 hours per month

Now multiply that by your hourly wage.

$27.50 per hour x 173 hours per month = $4,757.50

$1,100 per week is $4,757.50 per month.

Remember that if you have not yet factored in FICA taxes, your earnings will actually be 7.65% less, for a net income of $4,393.55. Or, if you are self-employed, it will be 15% less (since you shoulder the entire burden of FICA taxes instead of splitting it with your employer) for $4,043.86. Of course, if you’re self-employed you can also write off business expenses to lower your taxable income first, but that’s a different story for a different article.

$1,100 a week is how much per quarter?

Breaking down the year into three month periods is a good way to provide space for professional (and personal) reflection. This is especially true if you have a job where your $1,100 weekly income can fluctuate based on sales performance or other metrics (miles driven, signups collected, items delivered, etc.). In this case, some quarters you might make more, while in other quarters you might make less. But on average, if you are making $4,757.50, you can just multiply that by three to get your quarterly number.

$4,757.50 per month x 3 months = $14,272.50

$1,100 per week is $14,272.50 per quarter.

$1,100 a week is how much per year?

This is a simple matter of multiplying your weekly income by the number of weeks in a year.

$1,100 per week x 52 weeks = $57,200

$1,100 per week is $57,200 per year. As you can see, that extra hundred dollars per week has added up to a nice bonus.

$1,100 a week is how much per day?

We will use the standard five-day work week for this math, dividing 40 hours each week by that number to get your daily schedule.

40 hours per week / 5 work days = 8 hours a day

Add in your hourly wage:

$27.50 per hour x 8 hours per day = $220.00

$1,100 per week is $220 per day.

For many people, this could be a monthly car payment.

$1,100 a week is how much biweekly?

Your biweekly direct deposit or paycheck will just be your weekly income times two.

$1,100 per week x 2 weeks = $2,200

$1,100 per week is $2,200 biweekly.

How Much Rent Can You Afford on $1,100 a Week?

Budgeting for rent if you make $1,100 a week is one of the most important steps you can take. For starters, shelter is one of your most basic and necessary expenses. While it’s technically true that you can live in your car or sleep under your desk, that won’t really create a functional lifestyle. You need a roof over your head and four walls (with some windows for natural light, of course). The other important consideration is that shelter costs vary widely from state to state, county to county, and even within the same city. Knowing how much you can afford to spend on rent is something that can also shape where you work and live.

So that said, what can you do with $1,100 each week? Remember that your monthly income is going to be $4,757.50, and that rent is a monthly (not weekly) expense. Many personal finance gurus have suggested that rent take up no more than 33% of your total income. In fact, the lower you can get this number, the more financial freedom you will have since the other chunk of your income will be freed up to spend on both needs and wants. That’s why many people get so excited about the idea of paying off their mortgage—they will no longer have to allocate that income toward their housing costs.

Taking 33% of $4,757.50, we see that your rental allowance comes to $1,570 per month. As mentioned, housing costs are very diverse across the United States. With a number like this, you could easily afford a three-bedroom apartment in Florida, but not a two-bedroom apartment in Massachusetts. While a studio apartment in California would put you closer to 25% of your budget, a one-bedroom apartment in Washington D.C. would be pushing the upper edges of that recommended number. As you can see, answering this question involves patience and research.