
Virginia Unemployment Weekly Claims

To avoid your claims from being rejected, you must make sure that your file your weekly claim within 28 days of filing the initial/ opening claim.

There are some criteria that claimants must meet in order to continue remaining eligible for UC. First, the claimant must actively seek new job opportunities and may have to prepare a work search report summarizing his/her efforts for the same. Claimants must not reject suitable job opportunities when they are presented to them. And most importantly, claimants must keep the State accurately informed about any income they earn.

The above tasks can be done online or through telephone. Usually a set of 15 questions are to be answered by claimants who wish to file further weekly claims.

As long as a claimant remains eligible for UI, he/she will continue to receive benefit checks from the state until the benefit balance is exhausted.

The amount and duration of benefits change from place to place. But they are given out for a maximum of up to 26 weeks.


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