
Virginia Unemployment Benefit Questions

Are UI benefit amounts subject to taxes?

Benefits and federal taxes are dependent on each other. You can request the state to hold back taxes on your benefit amount. If you do so, you will be mailed a statement of the benefits you received in the form of Form 1099- G.

Please ensure that you keep the state updated about any change in your contact number or address. You must also keep the state accurately informed about your earnings on the annual tax returns and pay the taxes due. If you are determined overpaid, you may have to return the money. Contact the Internal Revenue Service or your tax advisor for further information.

How can I repay my overpayment?

If you are deemed overpaid, you must be repay the amount in full at the earliest. However, if you unable to make the full payment you should contact the Benefit Payment Control Unit at the earliest at (804) 786-8593 to make arrangements for paying back the amount in installments. Re-payments or overpayments in general affect your benefit amounts for which you are expected to pay taxes. Contact your tax advisor if you have an concerns regarding this.

If I decide to not claim benefits post filing a claim, how can I cancel my claim?

Prepare a cancellation request in writing and submit it to the state within 30 days of filing. Final dates for cancellation and final dates for appeal on the monetary determination form are the same.

However, your claim cannot be cancelled if you have already received a benefit check or if a deputy has already issued a determination on your claim.

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