
Vermont Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Unless you have a definite return to work date occurring within 10 weeks of filing a new or additional claim with a specific employer and/or have been excused by the department from conducting an active work search, you are REQUIRED to make and report at least three (3) job contacts for each week you file a weekly claim. You must be realistic in your search for work.

To assist you in your work search efforts, you will be required to register with the Vermont Job Link if you have not already registered. You can register by going. Make sure that you apply for jobs you are qualified to do and are willing to accept. The longer you are unemployed, the more intensified and expansive your work searches should become. Applying for the same job more than once within a 5 week period does not count as a valid contact.

The department will be conducting random checks of job contacts. If you do not make contacts as required, you will be liable to repay benefits improperly paid.

A valid job contact depends on the type of work you are qualified to perform.

You are also REQUIRED to keep accurate records of your job contacts. Work search forms are provided to assist you in keeping track of your contacts. If you do not use these forms, you are required to keep records containing all of the information outlined on our work search form

(Date of contact; Employer name; Employer address; Person contacted, Phone number; E-mail if applicable; Position applied for; Method of contact and Results of the contact).

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