
Utah Unemployment Weekly Claims

Utah Unemployment Weekly Claims

Utah Unemployment Insurance benefits are available for workers who have lost their job through no fault of their own. The program provides financial assistance and job searching resources until claimants find new employment.

To meet Utah unemployment eligibility requirements, you will need to submit weekly claims and answer a series of questions. You will be asked about your work search activities and to report any income. You must also verify your willingness and ability to work full-time and accept any suitable job offer.

Weekly claims to maintain unemployment eligibility

After you submit your initial claim for benefits, you will need to submit a weekly claim outlining your job search activities and earnings. The period for filing an unemployment claim starts on Sunday and concludes on Saturday at midnight.

Weekly Earnings

When completing your weekly claim, the first question you will be asked is, “Did you engage in work or attend a paid training?” If you participated in any work-related activity during the certification week, you must respond “yes.”

It is necessary to disclose all work performed and gross wages (pre-tax or pre-deduction) for each week you worked, irrespective of whether you have received payment.

Weekly Work Search Requirement

Utah residents are required to make a minimum of four new full-time job contacts per week. A job contact refers to a reasonable action or communication that demonstrates a clear path to reemployment, such as submitting a job application, networking, attending job-related workshops, or participating in interviews.

A new contact is defined as reaching out to an employer you have not previously contacted, or contacting a previously contacted employer for a newly listed job opening. You must maintain a comprehensive record of your job search activities, which you may be required to provide during your weekly filing or in the event of an eligibility audit.

Your job search record should include details such as:

  • Date of contact
  • Name of the company
  • Job reference number (if applicable)
  • Company address
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Website link
  • Person contacted
  • Position title
  • Method of contact.

The results of your job search activities must demonstrate a sincere effort to secure employment immediately.

How to File Weekly Claims

To file your weekly Utah unemployment benefit claim, you will need your Social Security number and PIN.

You must file your weekly claim online. You can do this by visiting, selecting “Sign In” in the upper right-hand corner, then clicking on “My Unemployment” and choosing “File Weekly Claim.”

You will be required to answer a series of questions each week to determine your eligibility for UI benefits. Be careful to answer the questions as they pertain to that specific week only.

Examples of questions you may be asked include:

  • Did you work or attend paid training?
  • How much did you earn before deductions? (Your gross wages without any cents).
  • Did you quit or were you fired from a job?
  • Did you refuse any offers of work or fail to apply for work during the week?
  • Did you attend school or unpaid training during the week?
  • Were you able and available for full-time work without any restrictions?
  • Did you travel outside the United States?
  • Did you contact employers for work?

After answering the questions, you will be shown your responses and you can make any necessary corrections. It is crucial to report earnings truthfully, as misreporting can be considered unemployment fraud and carry severe penalties. If you realize you have made an error after submitting your weekly claim, call the Claims Center immediately.

Be sure to file your weekly unemployment insurance claim on time to avoid the risk of being denied unemployment compensation.

Late filings will not be permitted by the system. It is recommended that each claimant files their weekly claim as soon as possible after the Saturday week-ending date.

If you miss the deadline to file your weekly claim and the claim has not been closed, the Department will allow you a 20-day grace period to file a timely claim.

How do I know if my weekly claim was successfully submitted?

You can check the status of your weekly claims in the online portal. But, should you have any questions, you can use the Live Chat feature in the online portal or call the Claims Center.

How to collect payment

Assuming you meet all eligibility requirements and file your weekly claim, you should receive your first unemployment benefits payment about three weeks after your initial application. Use the Utah unemployment calculator to estimate your weekly UI compensation. If you have not received payment or a disqualification letter after filing for four weeks, contact the Claims Center or visit the nearest Utah unemployment office.

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