
Utah Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Utah Unemployment Job Search Requirements

A primary component of the Utah Unemployment benefits program involves claimants reaching out to potential employers. This means you must actively seek full-time work every week you claim unemployment benefits, even if you already work part-time or attend school.

Work search requirements for Utah Unemployment Insurance Program

You are required to make a minimum of 4 new full-time job contacts every week. A job contact is defined as a reasonable effort or action where a clear path towards reemployment can be demonstrated, such as submitting a job application, sending a resume, networking, attending job-related workshops, or attending interviews.

A new contact refers to contacting an employer you haven’t contacted previously or getting in touch with a previous employer for a new job opening.

You must keep a detailed record of your work search activity and be ready to provide this information in your weekly claim. At any time, you may be audited or reviewed for unemployment eligibility, during which you’ll have to provide a record of your employer contacts.

Your record of work search contacts should include:

  • Date of the job application
  • Company name or identifying information such as a job reference number
  • Company address, phone number, email, web link, or person contacted
  • Position title
  • Method of contact
  • Results of contact

Job placement assistance registration

You also must register for the Utah Department of Workforce Service Job Placement Assistance Work program. You can register online or at the Utah job center nearest to you. Upon registration, you’ll gain the opportunity to explore thousands of job openings. Additionally, you’ll receive referrals to an array of online, self-paced workshops that can assist with securing new employment.

If you move to a state other than Utah, you must register with the nearest State Employment Center and provide proof of registration to the Utah Department of Workforce Services.

To maintain eligibility for unemployment compensation, you may need to participate in online workshops, attend an in-person re-employment services appointment, attend an eligibility assessment, join an in-person workshop, or engage in other activities that will assist you in returning to work. Failing to participate may lead to a denial of unemployment insurance benefits.

Do I have to accept any job?

It is mandatory that you actively seek and accept any work that is considered suitable. The determination of a job’s suitability depends on the duration of your unemployment. If you have been unemployed for a short period of time, you may take the time to search for work that is comparable to what you previously did, as long as there is a reasonable likelihood of securing that type of job again.

However, the longer your unemployment goes on,  you are expected to be more flexible regarding salary, work environment, job responsibilities, and prior training utilization.

You are not obligated to accept employment in the following circumstances:

  • The job opportunity is the result of a strike, lockout, or other labor dispute.
  • The compensation, work hours, or other conditions offered are significantly less attractive than similar jobs in your area.
  • You are required to join or leave a labor organization as a condition of employment or are prohibited from joining one.

If you decline a referral for a suitable job, fail to properly apply for an available suitable job, or reject an offer for suitable work, your benefit claim may be denied.

It is necessary to report any instances of failure to seek or accept work, even if you believe the job was not suitable. Any inaccurate reporting may be considered unemployment fraud.

Utah unemployment job training programs

The Utah Department of Workforce Services has created several programs to assist job seekers with finding new employment. These programs include:

Apprenticeship Utah

If you’re interested in pursuing an apprenticeship, you can find opportunities through an employer or an intermediary program sponsor. Apprenticeship Utah allows job seekers to browse and submit applications to available apprenticeship positions offered by Utah employers throughout the state.

Local workshops and events

Utah’s Department of Workforce Services also offers a wide range of events and workshops to equip each job seeker with the essential skills needed to succeed in a fiercely competitive job market. These workshops are available online and in person. Career counseling, resume writing, interview practice, and other individual job search help are also available through your local Workforce Services office.

On-the-Job Training

Employers who offer customized job training to their employees through the On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program can receive reimbursement for their expenses.

Refugee Employment Services

The primary goal of the United States refugee resettlement program is to foster self-sufficiency at the earliest possible stage. Employment is crucial to the success of refugees in the U.S.

Refugees are permitted to work legally in the U.S. from their day of arrival, without requiring any work visas.

During their initial months in the U.S., resettlement agencies are the main source of information and assistance for refugees. These agencies ensure that refugees receive a warm welcome at the airport, arrange their housing, furniture, and essential household items, provide orientation, and develop a resettlement plan, which involves referrals to social services and employment opportunities.

Senior Community Service Employment Program

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is the largest federally-funded initiative aimed at providing employment and training assistance, along with civic engagement opportunities, for older adults. This program serves as a transitional employment service. The program collaborates with community-based non-profit organizations and government agencies to offer participants training opportunities that help to update their skillset.

Student Transition Services

The Vocational Rehabilitation program extends transition services to qualified students with disabilities who are moving from high school to adulthood and seeking employment. Their objective is to ensure that students (aged 14-24) have a seamless transition, comprehensive team support, and tailored activities and services that are essential and reasonable to equip them for, acquire, and sustain employment.

Trade Act Benefits

If you’ve been laid off due to foreign trade policy, or if your job was outsourced overseas, you may be eligible for certain job searching resources, including personalized career coaching; financial resources to complete an occupational license, certification program, or college degree; tutoring services; testing and licensing fee waivers, and more.

Ticket to Work Program

The Ticket to Work Program is open to people aged 18-64 who are currently receiving Social Security Disability benefits, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This program enables individuals to assess their work capacity while still receiving benefits.

Utah Jobs mobile app

The Utah Jobs mobile app makes job searching easy. Simply download the app on your Apple or Google device to easily search for open job positions and find recommended jobs based on your current skills and interests.

Veterans and Military Employment Services

The Veterans and Military Employment Services program helps current military members, veterans, and their spouses find employment in the state of Utah. The program provides education, training, and support for transitioning into civilian life.

Workforce Services Rehabilitation

The Workforce Services Rehabilitation program assists people with disabilities in acquiring employment, assimilating into the community, enhancing accessibility in their daily activities, and determining eligibility for federal disability benefits.

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