Unemployment Insurance Common Questions

Eligibility What is the base period? What is covered employment? What should I do in case if I am not eligible for Monetary Benefit? What is Unemployment Insurance and who is eligible for it? What are the basic eligibility requirements to obtain unemployment benefits? What is an Alternate Base Period and how is it calculated? Benefits Amount How much can I expect from an unemployment benefit? How can I know … Read more

How Does Health Insurance Work during Unemployment

Are you out of work and uninsured workers in United States? Do you need health coverage and want to know where to get free care for jobless employee like you? In today’s economic crisis, one of the most important issues for laid-offs, besides loss of paycheck, is health insurance. It’s important to have, but it also comes at a high price. Jobless claims are increasing and you cannot meet the … Read more

Have You Considered Buying Disability Insurance?

It is a cherished dream for any individual to have a good career so that one can pay bills on time, buy that dream home and car and enjoy financial freedom. Living life in the fast lane might not leave us anytime to think about possible hurdles. What if something goes horribly wrong and those paychecks stop even before you retire? All your future plans and dreams come crashing down. That’s … Read more

$400 Unemployment Benefits In Texas: What Should You Know

On Saturday, President Donald Trump signed a series of executive orders that provide an additional $400 benefits to people who have lost their job due to the Coronavirus-induced economic shutdown. Qualified people are expected to receive the payment soon. However, it is unclear when the unemployed would receive $400 unemployment benefits in Texas. In this article, we will tell you when the Texans can expect an additional $400 unemployment benefits … Read more