Suspended Unemployment Benefits

Suspended Unemployment

There will be times when you will be intimidated by that letter you receive by mail or a notification sent via e mail or call. The messenger from the state informs you about a temporary suspension or disqualification from receiving unemployment insurance. This will be a testing phase for you and your family if you’re dependent on the weekly benefits provided by the government. First of all, do not panic. … Read more

Can You Collect Your Unemployment If You Quit A Job?

The Department Of Labor provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits if you lose your job through no fault of your own. But the question is, can you collect your unemployment if you quit a job? The answer, Depends.  you cannot collect unemployment if you quit your job voluntarily without good cause. But if you had a good reason as defined by your state, you may qualify for benefits. Good Cause To … Read more

Can You Receive Extended Unemployment Benefits In Kansas?

Kansas is one of the states worst affected by the measures taken to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the reports of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Kansas unemployment rate in May was 10.0%. To help the unemployed, the state offers Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. Generally, the unemployment benefits last between 16 to 26 weeks. But due to the ongoing crisis, the authorities at the Department Of Labor have extended … Read more

When Can You Reopen An Unemployment Claim?

Laid off

The unemployed in the United States can collect Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. But when they return to their work or earn an equal or more than benefit amount, they should stop claiming benefits. However, under unfortunate circumstances, if they lose their job again, they can reopen an unemployment claim and collect weekly benefits.  In this article, we will walk through the process involved in reopening the claim. But before that, … Read more

A Detailed Look At Unemployment Insurance For Educational Employees

The federal government provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to the unemployed to temporarily meet their financial needs. The benefits will be provided to only those who lost their job through no fault of their own. The benefits can be collected by people belonging to any industry, including (but not limited to) retail, manufacturing, construction, etc. But can people from educational institutions also collect UI benefits?  Unemployment Insurance For Educational Employees … Read more

How to Collect Unemployment Benefit after Temporary Job Ends in New York

If you have given up your part time job for any of the reasons, then your Unemployment Insurance benefit might stop. The one factor that all states have in common is that, in order to receive benefits you will have to be continuously looking for work, and able to accept work if you find a one that is suitable. However, you may also be eligible for unemployment payments, depending on … Read more

Extra $50 Benefits: All About The Increased Benefit Amount In North Carolina

Ever since the pandemic began, millions of North Carolinans have lost their jobs. According to the reports of the North Carolina Division of Employment Security (DES), about 2.49 million people filed for state and federal unemployment claims, and an estimated $8.2 billion benefits have been paid since mid-March. To help the unemployed meet their needs, the state is offering extra $50 benefits.  So, who qualifies for the Increased Benefit Amount … Read more

Disability Insurance for Unemployed

Disability Insurance

If you suffer an illness or injury that prevents you from being able to work for an extended period of time, having disability insurance coverage in place will save tremendous worry and heartache. Disability insurance helps provide a financial safety net while you heal – and disability benefit policies come in various types, including some provided and paid for by your employer, plus others that you can purchase on your … Read more

Long-Term Aftermath of the Great Recession on Floridians

If you lose a job in Florida, chances are you will take a long time to find another. Florida has the maximum rate of long-term unemployment in the nation. According to a latest census data, more than 53 percent of jobless Floridians are without work for six months or longer-worse than any other nation. As per the researchers, Nevada and New Jersey also had at least 50 percent of their … Read more

Unemployment Insurance Common Questions – Part 2

Claims, & Benefits – Common Questions Series What all information can I get through Unemployment Insurance Telephone Service? What are the responsibilities of a claimant? When should I apply for insurance benefits? What is the source of unemployment benefits to pay the insurance amount? Can all the unemployed be eligible for unemployment insurance benefit? Will my employer be notified about the insurance claimed? What is the benefit year? What is … Read more