How To Settle The Overpayment Of Unemployment Benefits?

repay unemployment benefits overpayment

Unemployment Insurance turned out to be a blessing for millions across the nation last year. For some, the weekly benefits and the subsequent extensions were the only means to afford basic necessities. However, even with the economy improving and people getting back to work, a recent conundrum emerged in the form of UI overpayments, making things harder for some. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Overpayment The state governments of Florida, Ohio, Connecticut, … Read more

Unemployment Benefits and Social Security

A common question that haunts unemployed individuals, especially the retired ones is whether or not they can claim Unemployment Compensation along with Social Security Retirement benefits. As you may know, this program offers people with a weekly benefit amount to provide financial assistance while they don’t have a major or stable source of income. All applicants for UI are required to satisfy certain criteria, out of which one is that … Read more

What The Unemployment Rate Does Not Tell You

unemployment rate does not tell you

Among the many crises precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic collapse and the resultant massive unemployment are uppermost among the public’s minds. The unemployment rate soared to 14.7% in May 2020 from below 3% in December 2019. As jobs have been a much-discussed issue even before the pandemic struck, everyone is wondering what the unemployment rate does not tell you. Many experts had argued that the low unemployment rates … Read more

How Retirement and Pension Can Affect Unemployment Benefits

Does pension affect unemployment benefits

With rising productivity at an advanced age, common concerns for older people facing job losses revolve around their pension and unemployment benefits. Senior citizens can avail UI benefits as there is no age limit to claiming them. This is as long as you have not withdrawn from the labor market, and you meet the other eligibility criteria. Unemployment Insurance is a government initiative that is funded by collections from employers … Read more

How to Deal With Unwanted Advice During Unemployment

The art of handling unsolicited and unwanted advice is one that every individual should practice and learn. This skill is even more important when you are unemployed. From relatives to friends, professionals to even future employers, the individuals around you will always have an opinion on what you should be doing next – and going on the defense or offense is never the answer. This point in your life is … Read more

How to Deal with Unemployment and Underemployment?

The marginal decrease in the unemployment rate does not necessarily translate into what the ground reality is, where unemployment rates do not account for individuals who have stopped attempting to look for jobs altogether or the large numbers of individuals who have settled for work which is below their paygrade. Looking at the bigger picture in the USA, statistics are strongly leaning towards a reality that is grim, indicating that … Read more

Effect of Severance Pay On Unemployment Compensation

In the United States of America, a social assistance program jointly run by the federal government along with the states offers weekly monetary compensation to citizens who go jobless due to no fault of their own. Commonly known as the Unemployment Compensation (U.C) benefits program, a jobless worker can look forward to up to 26 weeks of even benefits on the basis of eligibility, claiming state and other factors. As … Read more

How To Collect Unemployment Benefits If Coronavirus Has Cost You Your Job

Collect Coronavirus unemployment benefits

Those facing the heat of the Coronavirus outbreak with respect to job losses can now breathe easier since several states across the US are expanding unemployment insurance eligibility to deal with the fallout. We will tell you all about how you can collect unemployment benefits if Coronavirus-induced slowdown has gotten you laid off. Remember that you must file claims for UI benefits immediately upon being separated from work. Claiming Unemployment … Read more

What is a 1099 Form and How to File it?

The 1099 form is used to record income that you have received as an independent contractor or through other sources of income. This would mean that if you are a freelancer then you will receive 1099 forms from your clients. The IRS requires businesses to issue this form if contractors are paid at least $600 in the same year. Based on how you receive your income, there are a few … Read more

Harassment at the Workplace? 3 Tips to Come Out of It


Most Americans decide to leave their jobs due to one or the other form of harassment meted out in the workplace. Toxic work environments affect people psychologically and their performance, making it an all-round bad experience for the employees.  A study showed that nearly 60 percent of employees have quit or are on the verge of quitting their jobs because of the workplace harassment they face. There are many types … Read more