Where to File Unemployment ? Place of Living or Work?

Just like most of the developed countries that hand hold its citizens by way of social security benefits for the jobless, the U.S is known to administer an efficient federal-state system that guarantees weekly unemployment benefits for those who’ve lost their job due to involuntary reasons such as layoffs. Foreseen by the U.S Department of Labor and run by each state on its own, the Unemployment Insurance(UI) program hands out … Read more

Five Important Tips When You’re In-Between Jobs

Five Important Tips When You’re In Between Jobs

  Are you in between jobs? If your answer is yes, it’s never easy. A day back, you were working, and today you miss going to the office. The best thing for you to do in this phase is to stay productive. You also need to take care of your health money and do many other things. Stay calm and positive, take a deep breath, and face the situation heads … Read more

Paying Taxes On Income From Unemployment Insurance

As most of you reading this would be aware, voluntarily unemployed citizens in the U.S are eligible for a weekly monetary compensation for up to 26 weeks from the system that is jointly run by the state-federal setup, commonly known as Unemployment Compensation or Unemployment Insurance. Ascertained on your income in the preceding 5 calendar quarters, the weekly compensation is largely a part of your highest earnings in a particular … Read more

A Detailed Guide To The $375 Stimulus Payments In Colorado

Colorado’s Governor Jared Polis recently signed an executive order to stimulate the state’s economy and extend support to the Coloradans’ worst hit by the current economic crisis. The executive order aims to provide $375 stimulus payments to the qualifying Coloradans. The stimulus package is said to cost the state about $168 million. The order will provide financial aid to more than 400,000 Coloradans whose earnings are affected by the COVID-19 … Read more

Weekly Unemployment Claims: How To Apply And Check The Status Of Payments

If you have lost your job through no fault of your own, you can file for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. After filing an initial unemployment claim, you must certify that you are fully or partially unemployed every week to stay eligible and continue to receive payments. This is done by filing a weekly unemployment claim.  The weekly unemployment claim, also known as weekly certification, verifies that you were unemployed during … Read more

Schooling and Unemployment Insurance Benefits

You may be one of hundreds of unemployed class across the country contemplating and exploring the opportunity to gain additional skills or get into a new domain that interests you. This calls for attending training or going to school full time/part time. Whether you’re recently dealing with unemployment or job loss, or you’ve been sending out resumes for a while, heading back to school can be a great way to … Read more

Taxes On Benefits: Are Unemployment Insurance Benefits Taxable?

The Coronavirus outbreak has caused an unprecedented job loss and financial crisis. To provide the unemployed with temporary financial support, states pay unemployment insurance (UI) benefits to the claimants. There are a lot of questions concerning this financial aid, one being, are unemployment insurance benefits taxable?  The answer is a big Yes. The federal government considers unemployment benefits as wages and subjects them to taxes. But, when it comes to … Read more

How To Survive Unemployment

How To Survive Unemployment

Being unemployed is tough. Especially with the rising costs of basic essentials, not having a job makes it difficult to see through each day. The pressure is even more if you have a family to tend to. You can, however, get through this with proper planning and a strong will to face the challenges. In case you are recently unemployed then you should be able to learn how to survive … Read more

Can You Reopen Unemployment Benefits If You Are Laid Off Again?

The pandemic-induced economic downturn had caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs and depend on the federal or state-provided Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits for survival. But as states begin to restart economic activities, people are finding new jobs or returning to their old jobs. But what happens if you get laid off again due to the pandemic? Can you reopen unemployment benefits?   The answer is: Yes. You are eligible … Read more

Ways to Manage Midlife Unemployment Crisis

Do you like planning for future? Have you planned your finances well? How easily can you make it through difficult times? We are living in a time where money is a necessity and a continuous in-flow of the same is required. In the case of any diversion from the routine path, there can be a tension that can induce stress and worry. Why should we plan for future? Managing for … Read more