Return To Work Bonus In Arizona: After the Pandemic

return to work bonus Arizona

Arizona is one of the 26 states to revoke the disbursement of Unemployment Insurance benefits. This decision is not a complete surprise as the search for work requirement was reinstated last month to remain eligible for benefits. To encourage and ease unemployed people to start working again, Governor Ducey introduced a return to work bonus in Arizona as a part of the ‘Back To Work Program’. Read on to find … Read more

Unemployment Insurance For Military Men And Their Spouses

This article will address problems and queries on unemployment compensation (UC) faced by ex-military men and their spouses. If you fall into that category, we’re sure that you will find this article helpful! Is there UC for ex military men and their spouses? Yes.The federal set up in US has a separate unemployment program for ex servicemen and their families. The program is called Unemployment Compensation for Ex Service members … Read more

Ugly Face Behind Low Unemployment

Ugly Face Behind Low Unemployment

The employment situation continued to blossom under the stewardship of President Donald Trump with more than 2 million jobs being added in 2017 alone. Based on the report in April 2017, 164,000 jobs were added to the past month and the recovery dragged the unemployment rate to 3.9% which is the lowest since 2000. The unemployment is around 4% since October 2017. The unemployment rate is declining at such a … Read more

A Detailed Look At Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation In Virginia

The Coronavirus pandemic has taken the United States by storm. Virginia is one of the states worst hit by both the pandemic and pandemic-induced economic shutdown. According to the reports, more than 600,000 Virginians have lost their jobs since March 2020. As tough it is to lose a job, people struggle to collect unemployment benefits, especially under the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program.  To help people with the process, … Read more

Can You Collect Your Unemployment If You Quit A Job?

The Department Of Labor provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits if you lose your job through no fault of your own. But the question is, can you collect your unemployment if you quit a job? The answer, Depends.  you cannot collect unemployment if you quit your job voluntarily without good cause. But if you had a good reason as defined by your state, you may qualify for benefits. Good Cause To … Read more

Unemployment Benefits Eligibility

Eligibility for unemployment insurance is determined by state law. More than half of jobless workers do not claim unemployment benefits because either they do not qualify or feel the filing process to be very complex. Contrary to this, numerous people meet the criteria for benefits and state unemployment offices have also reduced the amount of necessary paperwork over a period of time. This article will make eligibility criteria clear for … Read more

A Detailed Look At Unemployment Insurance For Educational Employees

The federal government provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to the unemployed to temporarily meet their financial needs. The benefits will be provided to only those who lost their job through no fault of their own. The benefits can be collected by people belonging to any industry, including (but not limited to) retail, manufacturing, construction, etc. But can people from educational institutions also collect UI benefits?  Unemployment Insurance For Educational Employees … Read more

Base Period for Filing Unemployment Benefits

Estimate Your Base Period Using this Tool: Select your filing month and year:[unemp_base_period] Your Base Period is: The base period in a broader sense is the period of employment prior to losing the job. It is also referred to as base year. The base period is generally the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters prior to the effective date of the claim/unemployment. So what is a calendar … Read more

Stigma Attached to Unemployment and its Solutions

Walk into a dinner party with strangers and the conversation starts with what you do for a living, children from kindergarten to near adults in high school are constantly faced with the question of what their parents are and what they do; by and by our identities are inseparable from our field of work, position and employment status. Looking at the flip side, each of these casually made remarks holds … Read more

How Not to Lose Efficiency During Unemployment?

Every statistic points towards losing a steady income as one of the key causes of anger, depression, health deterioration, fear and anxiety in today’s adult population of the United States, if not of the rest of the world. While anxiety of the future is difficult to shake off, if you find yourself or a loved one in such a position, keeping your self-esteem up, being as efficient as possible and … Read more