Being denied a day off and then calling in sick

Calling in Sick

Being denied a day off and then calling in sick Posted by Nicole I am a student who has worked for a company for 2.5 years. In this time I was never late, had never called in sick and only took time off that was previously requested. My ex-employer treated me (and everyone else on the job) really bad. For example, he would swear at me, embarrass me in front … Read more

Unemployment Appeal Letter Sample

Sample Appeal Letter For Unemployment Benefits Date: To Whom it May Concern, I, (insert your name), wish to appeal the claim determination (insert mail date of determination) denying unemployment benefits due to quitting without good cause, or for a discharge for misconduct (insert the actual issue as stated on the determination, to include also the section of law used for the denial). My reason for my appealing is because I … Read more

Affirmed: My unemployment appeal is “affirmed.” What does that mean?


Affirmed Posted by Heather (Nevada) My unemployment appeal decision stated I am “affirmed.” What does that mean? Hi Heather, The hearing officer has agreed with the initial determination. So, if you appealed, it means you lost. But if your employer appealed, it means you won. “Affirmed” means that the initial determination is affirmed by the hearing decision.   Comments for Affirmed Texas unemployment by: Anonymous If I got approved for … Read more

American Unemployment Benefits Down to 44-Year Low

Since 1973, the number of unemployment benefits has dropped significantly. It has been reported that as of December 2017, 1.87 million Americans receive benefits. It can also be noted that the Department of Labor received its largest number of newer filings from those that survived the destructive hurricane season. This caused massive damages to businesses in southern states and Puerto Rico. Despite this, the number of new applicants was low. … Read more