My employer didn’t show up for the unemployment appeal hearing. Do I win?


Question from Ava Hi there, I just had my appeal hearing today and my employer didn’t show up. But they wrote a letter. Do I automatically win because the judge still asked me questions? Also, I didn’t ask any questions I just answered the judge’s questions with honest answers is that good? Hi Ava, I always advise being honest. But I also explain why we need to temper the desirable … Read more

Fired for coming up short on the cash register

Cash Register

Emily asks: I am a 17-year-old and was hired for a part-time summer job at a BBQ restaurant in Santa Clara, CA–my first “real” job. Everything has been going great for over two months–I loved working there. I loved my bosses and the people I worked with. They loved me and told me that when I came home from college on vacations or whatever, that I was welcome to come … Read more

Fired for attendance due to babysitter issues

Babysitting Problems

Ashley says: I lost my job recently due to attendance issues. I worked for the company for almost 4 years. I started out on third shift, then had to transfer to first because of my children. I had a very good attendance up until 3 months before I got fired. Our company has a “No fault” attendance policy; so it doesn’t matter why you are out, and in order to … Read more

Can I get unemployment if I am fired for a HIPAA violation?

Fired for HIPAA Violation

Anonymous says: I am in the home health care business and work for a company. I had a prior client for 3 years full time. His family loved me and I got raises each year and good evaluations from my company. He passed on and I have been collecting Unemployment for a few months. I was given another client for only two 6 hour days a week and collecting partial … Read more

Fired for Hanging Up the Phone on Customers

Customer Service

Question by Barbara I worked in a call center and was fired for hanging up on an annoying customer. I lost my cool. Can I still get unemployment? Response: Fired for hanging up the phone on customers. Hi Barbara, Did you violate the policy of the employer? You can’t get mad at customers. This always seemed to me (when I worked on behalf of employers) to be the policy I’d … Read more

Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for a no call no show?

No Call No Show

Question from Michael My boss usually posts the new schedule on Thursdays so Saturday when I got back to work I copied my schedule as normal. Well it was still the old schedule still up unfortunately. It didn’t dawn on me then that I may be copying from the previous’ weeks schedule because I usually have the same days off every week, well this schedule had me off on Tuesday … Read more

Do I have to accept a job if my company is sold to new owners?

Photo of woman with a question

  Dave asks: Do I have to accept a job if my company is sold to new owners and I was given a letter of termination from the original company that hired me? The hotel I work for was recently sold to another owner. The original management company that hired me gave all employees a letter of termination. The new owners have agreed to hire everyone if they want to … Read more

Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for not meeting my quota?

Failed To Meet Quota

Question from Nicole Can I collect unemployment if I have been fired for not meeting my quota? I have been employed with a for-profit University for the last year as an admissions advisor. Every admissions advisor is expected to have a certain number of student enrollments per start of each new school session. I did quite well for many months meeting my quota but for the last few months, I … Read more

Where should you file for unemployment if you are a telecommuter?


Question from Julie I worked for a company, as a W-2 consultant, from June 2011 until the end of December 2011 when the assignment ended for the client I was working on. The company that hired me is Head Quartered in AZ, the client is located in TX, and I worked remotely from home in IN. I originally filed for UI benefits in IN, which was denied due to “No … Read more