Unemployment Benefits and Extension in Vermont

Basic requisite to claim the unemployment benefit from Vermont is that you must have worked in the past for about 18 months before you became unemployed. You can apply for the unemployment benefit either when you are jobless or when you work less than 35 hours per week in the state of Vermont.

If you quit your job on your own, you can file the claim and get the benefit only on the condition that you quit because of your employer’s faults (such as breach in terms of your hiring agreement.) Vermont Unemployment Insurance law states that if you were fired for misconduct, you may be disqualified for receiving the benefit for six to fifteen weeks.

Duration of Vermont Unemployment Benefit

In general unemployment benefit in Vermont lasts for about 6 months, 26 weeks or until you find a suitable job. If Vermont unemployment bureau officials feel that you are not trying for a job or refusing  suitable job offers, then they have absolute right to suspend all UI benefits immediately without prior information. However, it is possible to gain the 26 weeks of slab of benefit without finding a job but it is essential to try for the job. After this you can still continue to claim the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and Extended Benefit (EB).

If unemployment rate increases then special state federal programs will become effective which provides additional weeks of  benefit or extended benefit programs. Such programs are funded partially or fully by the Vermont federal unemployment trust fund.
As stated above, the Vermont Department of Labor is authorized to pay unemployment benefits under two active extended benefit programs:

  •  Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and
  •  Extended Benefit (EB)

Emergency Unemployment Compensation

Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) is completely funded by the Federal Government of Vermont. This program is comprised of four tiers, Vermont Unemployment Agency decides which one you qualify for. After the expiry of every tier eligible candidates can move on for the next tier as per the rule of EUC program. Below mentioned chart details on the current EUC Tiers that provides the details on the weeks of extension benefit:

                     Available Weeks                 Trigger

Tier 1                  Up to 20 weeks                                     none

Tier 2                 Up to 14 weeks                                      none

Tier 3                 Up to 13 weeks                                      TUR > 6.0% or IUR > 4.0%

Tier 4                 Up to 6 weeks                                        TUR > 8.5% or IUR > 6.0%

Extended Program

Extended Benefits is the additional extension of benefits that is offered once EUC is exhausted. Extended Benefit program provides up to 13 weeks of additional benefits for the unemployed individuals.

Intention of both the programs, Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits and Extended Benefits is to provide temporary financial assistance to eligible workers.

Intimation and Information about Future Extensions

In both the cases, notices for both extension programs will be mailed with filing instructions.  If a recipient’s mailing address changes, then such change must be submitted in written to enable proper communication.

Individuals who have already received their full regular and extended benefits entitlement will be mailed filing instructions, when their additional benefits becomes available.  In addition, information about future extensions will be posted on this web page.

Once your regular unemployment compensation benefits have run out, you should receive a note from your unemployment office alerting you to the option of extending your benefits. Until you get that, you will not be able to get any extended benefits. You can, however, confirm the existence of an extended-benefit rule in your state by contacting the unemployment office in advance.

Apply to get extended benefits by filing the appropriate forms and make sure you provide all of the extra required paperwork. You can continue to enjoy the unemployment benefit till the time you get a suitable job.