The Female Unemployment Issue In America

Despite more jobs being available today in the U.S., unemployment still plagues some sections of the society. While the unemployment rate is officially recorded at 5%, the surveys don’t always tell the complete story.

Female unemployment

In this article, let’s discuss the issues faced by adult American women in specific. Over the years, we’ve seen that the females have stepped up to play an active part in contributing to the economy. However, studies have revealed that females face more unemployment woes than their equally qualified male counterparts. Although many reasons could be stated for this phenomenon, many women wonder whether it is the age old misogyny at play.

Why The Gender Gap In Unemployment Rates?

Women have always been known to juggle their time between family and career more than men. This often takes its toll on their professional lives. This is especially true after childbirth. While most European women find a way to have both, their American counterparts find the 12 week maternity leave too short for their liking and so choose to quit jobs. This often leads to a period of unemployment, post which, getting back to work is cumbersome for many.

This sole reason is often held responsible for America falling behind other European countries when it comes to women’s unemployment. The percentage of working women in the nineties was 74 and has since then dropped to 69.

For less educated and financially not well off women, this reason is never more true. The cost of child care just isn’t worth returning to work.

Current Rate Of Unemployment Among Women In America

As per the United States Department of Labor, the following are the percentages of unemployed women in various age groups.

Age Group Percentage
16-19 6.4%
20-24 8.6%
25-34 16.6%
35-44 15.7%
45-54 17.1%
55-64 16.1%
65 and above 19.5%

(Source – Women’s Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Labor)

Is It A Man’s World Afterall?

Absolutely not. According to the current employment statistics, approximately 11 million people are without jobs (i.e., full time jobs). While a greater percentage is constituted of women, it does not in anyway mean that women cannot make a return after a break.

We recommend that you look into unemployment rates of 2015 and factors like hostile work environment to find out contributing factors for female unemployment. If you are currently unemployed, we suggest that you look into applying for unemployment benefits for temporary financial assistance.