Extra $300 Unemployment Benefits In Virginia: When Can You Expect The Payment?

Virginia received Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) approval on August 26 to provide $300 additional weekly benefits under the Lost Wages Assistance program. However, due to various reasons, the state delayed in rolling out the payments. So when can the unemployed expect to receive the extra $300 unemployment benefits in Virginia? This article will break it for you!  But before that, let’s learn more about the Lost Wages Assistance in … Read more

Unemployment Benefits Exhausted. What Next?

unemployment benefits exhausted. what next?

Unemployment Benefits in the States has been instrumental in helping many families navigate through financial hardship caused due to job loss. Over 6.3 million people benefited from these benefits during the pandemic. As the economy slowly picks up, many people will find work, but many sectors are still struggling. As people are on the verge of running out of their 26-week unemployment benefit period, they are anxiously looking for options … Read more

How does Social Security and Retirement Payments Affect Unemployment Benefits?

In tough economic times, more and more elder people might search for work past customary retirement age. In case they become jobless and do not have sufficient in the way of Social Security payments and other retirement income, they could attempt to collect unemployment benefits as a means to boost their monetary standing. For the majority, collecting both Social Security and unemployment is allowable. Social Security is a part of … Read more

Unemployment Insurance – Calculating Weekly Benefit Rate

You might have landed here because you want to find out how much money you will receive from your Unemployment Insurance program or simply out of curiosity. If you belong to the former category we are extremely sorry to hear that you are currently unemployed. But don’t worry, you’ll land a job soon and everything will be alright again! Let’s begin with a quick recap about the UI aka the … Read more

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act: Unemployment

CARES Act for unemployment

The Families First Coronavirus Response Bill was signed into law on March 18, bringing potential relief to millions of Americans. Though it is a good beginning, dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic needs a lot more. Recognizing this, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) further expands unemployment, healthcare, etc. measures and aid.  The President signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law on … Read more

Extra Unemployment Benefits Will Soon Come To An End in Florida: What You Should Know

Florida is one of the states that received approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to offer $300 additional unemployment benefits to the qualified residents. Though the state began paying benefits only on September 11, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity recently stated that Florida’s extra unemployment benefits will end sooner than expected.  In this post, we will help you understand why these benefits are coming to a sudden … Read more

All About The Families First Coronavirus Response Act

families first coronavirus response act

In a speedy display of rare bipartisanship, Congress voted to get The Families First Coronavirus Response Act and President Trump signed it into law, passed on March 18. The law brings welcome relief to states in need of funds to pay unemployment insurance to claimants. It commits $1 billion to cover the costs of processing and paying UI as well as 100% federal funding for Extended Benefits.  Also referred to … Read more

A Guide To Extra $300 Unemployment Benefits In New York

New York is one of the states that received the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) approval to provide additional benefits to the unemployed residents. Though it received approval in August, the state has not begun paying out the benefits. If you are wondering when you can expect to collect the $300 unemployment benefits in New York, you have landed on the right page!  This article will tell you when the … Read more

Teenage Unemployment In USA

We all know that the economy was largely gloomy, with a slowdown. Teens and students are bearing high tuition prices and thus, are in dire need of finding alternate sources of income. Usually, teens manage to find work in restaurant chains and the likes but are mostly unappreciated for the work they do and are also underpaid. Yet, there’s always a  silver-lining to the entire scenario. American workers are not … Read more

A Guide To $300 Extra Unemployment Benefits In Louisiana

Louisiana is one of the states that have begun paying out $300 additional weekly benefits. The extra payments are provided to help the unemployed to meet their basic needs during the crisis. However, unlike $600, not everyone is eligible for the new enhanced payments. So who qualifies for $300 extra unemployment benefits in Louisiana?  In this article, we will walk through the eligibility requirements that you must meet to receive … Read more