How Temporary Work Affects Your Unemployment Benefits in Texas

Working on a temporary job course-work is like gaining some respectable payment on their dislocation of the full time job. Dislocated workers will be paid payroll to their bills exertion that can assist in meeting and their living expenses. However the workers who were put out of their jobs will be facilitated to receive unemployment insurance compensation based on the working hours of the temporary jobs.

Working on temporary jobs affect the claimant’s weekly unemployment benefits. Check amount of the unemployment benefit. It will be based on the money that they have earned in their temporary jobs compared to the duration of time they have worked in their part time jobs.

Covered Employment in Texas

The present wage-less dislocated workers should have been worked during four of the last five quarters. States consider this as the base period, where Texas is not exempted.

Generally wage less employees who are exempted under covered employment of Texas are the family members, babysitters, independent contractors and ministers who work for non-profit organizations.

Amount of Weekly Benefits of Texas

The amount of unemployment insurance gross wages of an unemployed worker earned will be determined on the base period subjected to the weekly benefit.

Workers who have earned high wages will generally receive greater weekly benefit checks. However your weekly benefit amount will be calculated on the highest quarter earnings of your base period.

How is your Weekly Benefit Calculated?

High quarters of the total earning will be divided by 25 to get your weekly benefit amount.

This amount will be adjusted to the inside allowed range of benefit amount in Texas. Weekly benefit amount will be ranged between $61 and $426 based on your wages earned in your previous job.

Remember your maximum or total benefit amount will be the least amount of 26 times the weekly amount. In the other words, 27 percent of all your wages in the base period is considered to estimate your possible UI Benefit.

Partial Benefit in Texas

If an employee takes up the temporary job then the amount he earns on the temporary job will be deducted from his weekly unemployment insurance benefits. For instance, if an individual earns about $200 in his part time job and the weekly unemployment is rated as $500 then the weekly unemployment benefit will be just $200.

If in case any part time jobs offers the paychecks more than the amount expected under Texas unemployment benefits then you may not be eligible to receive the unemployment benefit check.

If part time job ends before the claim of unemployment insurance claim expired, then the claimant needs to contact the Texas Unemployment Office. You can reopen the benefit claim and can start receiving unemployment compensation check again.

Continue to Meet Eligibility Requirements on New Assignment or Work

You should also understand that though you receive your unemployment benefit there are some factors that may affect your compensation.

In order to be eligible for continuing the benefits you need to contact your temporary help agency after completion of an assignment either by e-mail, in person or over phone (1-800-939-6631)  by the next working day.

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) cannot pay you benefits, if you apply for benefits before seeking a new assignment and waiting three business days for an assignment. The rules apply whether you are a full-time or part-time worker for the temporary help agency.