Extra Unemployment Benefits Will Soon Come To An End in Florida: What You Should Know

Florida is one of the states that received approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to offer $300 additional unemployment benefits to the qualified residents. Though the state began paying benefits only on September 11, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity recently stated that Florida’s extra unemployment benefits will end sooner than expected. 

In this post, we will help you understand why these benefits are coming to a sudden stop and lots more. Also, we will guide you through why regular unemployment benefits still can be very significant during during these trying times of the pandemic in the state. 

Why Are Federal Covid-19 Benefits Coming To An End?

The emergency order signed by President Trump that assured to provide additional unemployment assistance is failing. The main cause for the extended benefits coming to an is because funds are drying up. According to the FDEO, extra unemployment benefits have been sent for the weeks closing August 1,8 and 15th. The last unemployment benefit payment will be made for the August 22nd week. 

Due to the extra benefits reduction, Florida’s unemployment beneficiaries will only receive their regular $275 weekly benefits. The decrease in benefits will affect several of the state’s unemployed people who will face a hard time making ends meet. 

Some of the other states in the country that are also going to see a stoppage of Federal Covid-19 benefits are as follows:

  1. Texas
  2. Iowa
  3. Montana
  4. Tennessee
  5. New Hampshire

Will The Senate Pass Another Unemployment Stimulus Check Anytime Soon?

The chances of another stimulus bill getting passed by the senate look difficult preceding the presidential elections. For both Democrats and Republicans to come together with mutual consent and pass a statement is an unlikely bet. This prediction is mainly because both the houses failed to come up with an extension for the $600 payment authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. 

However, if another bill gets passed by council leaders, it is a significant relief as the unemployed are still struggling in these difficult times. But the likelihood of another check getting passed anytime soon looks questionable, people must learn to cope with their regular benefits.

Will The Extra Benefits Coming To An End Have Any Negative Impact? 

The extra benefits coming to an end make it tough to make ends meet for several state citizens. However, to look on the bright side of things regular unemployment benefits will continue. The next section guides you through why standard unemployment benefits in Florida are still so significant in these times.

Why Are Regular Unemployment Benefits Important For Floridians In These Difficult Times?

As per the latest labor department statistics, the state’s current unemployment rate stands at 11.3%. It has led to devastating job losses in leisure and hospitality vertical, professional and business services, theme parks, etc. To cope with this disruption in people’s lives, unemployment benefits can be a boon. Some of the advantages of unemployment benefits for the citizens of the state are as follows:

  1. A temporary relief to help you get by these challenging times until you find a job. 
  2. Creates a sense of confidence among the unemployed, knowing that the state cares for its people. This helps you believe you can come out of these difficult times quicker and get your dream job.
  3. Along with the unemployment benefits that you receive, Florida’s unemployment office also set up job assistance programs and training camps to help you get a job ASAP.
  4. Helps you maintain the same standard of living temporarily that you and your family enjoyed when you had a job.

Do All Unemployed Floridians Qualify For Benefits?

Whether or not you qualify for benefits depends on several aspects set out by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. For an unemployed person to receive benefits it vital that certain criteria’s are met. The pointers mentioned below will guide you through what parameters are required to help you qualify for the program.

  1. To qualify for unemployment benefits in Florida, you must have lost your job due to no fault of your own.
  2. All claimants that want to receive help in the state must have earned a minimum amount in their base period. To know this exact amount you can check out our detailed page on Florida unemployment benefits.

Now that you know the factors that help you receive benefits in the state, you should also be aware of the pointers that ensure you continue receiving benefits throughout the stipulated time frame. The next section will help you understand the primary factors required to continue receiving services in the state.

How Do You Make Sure You Continue Receiving Benefits?

If you have qualified for the state’s benefits, you must also ensure that you maintain your eligibility throughout the benefits weeks. You must follow specific guidelines set out by the department to confirm your eligibility continues. The pointers mentioned below will make sure you know what needs to get done to continue receiving benefits. 

  • You must be on the lookout for better opportunities throughout your benefits period
  • You must maintain a record of the prospective employers that you contacted 
  • Make sure not to hide any earning that you received from any other sources

Unemployment benefits in these times can be a savior for you and your loved ones. You must follow specific rules set out by the state so that you continue receiving benefits. It is also of utmost importance that you understand how to apply for claims and other essential aspects of pertaining to unemployment. You can check all this out and lots more on our detailed guide of understanding unemployment benefits in Florida.

The Final Word

As a citizen of the country and state, it is of utmost importance that you try your very best to get a job quickly. This not only ensures that you can pay the bills on time but also makes sure you get the wheels of the economy moving swiftly.   

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