All About FED-ED Extended Unemployment Benefits In California

California is one of the states that are the worst affected by the Coronavirus-induced economic shutdown. Though the businesses have reopened, the golden state is still receiving a huge number of unemployment claims. As per the Department Of Labor (DOL) reports, about 228,500 people filed initial unemployment benefits in California during the week that ended on August 1.  Normally, in California, the unemployed can receive Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits for … Read more

Unemployment & mental health: How losing your job takes a toll on the psychological state

Employment is undoubtedly essential for meeting one’s basic requirements. It promotes self-esteem, self-realization, and satisfies creative urges. Conversely, unemployment has adverse effects on mental health. Read on to know more about how unemployment and mental health are interconnected.  According to statistics, the unemployment rate in the United States rose to 3.6% in 2020. Several factors, such as changing policies, climate change, widespread epidemics like coronavirus, etc. have contributed to the … Read more

Climate Change And Its Impact On Global Jobs, And The Economy: Which Sectors Will Be Hit?

Climate Change and Jobs

In recent times, climate change has been viewed in terms of global warming, occurring due to the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the air. This phenomenon will also have a deep impact on society at a micro level, which could completely alter our way of living. It can already be seen as many landscapes are undergoing drastic changes. Climate change and job losses … Read more

How To Boost Your Quest For Government Jobs


Government jobs has been a dream for millions and will continue to dominate the list of “Favorite places to Work” in years to come. It not only provides us job security and access to a plethora of benefits, but a job in a federal agency/department also extends an opportunity to serve the nation with a sense of pride. Hundreds of State/Federal departments employ thousands of people on their rolls in … Read more

How Coronavirus Will Affect the U.S Job Market & Global Economy


The economy of the United States has remained steady over the past year. However, the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease has seen severe repercussions for the American Job Market. One of the industries severely hit by the outbreak is the oil industry.   Oil and natural gas producers have taken a hit over the last year due to low commodity prices. They will have to slash investments in exploration and production. … Read more

Unemployment Fraud in United States

If you knowingly receive benefits based on ungenuine information that you purposely provided when you registered your claim, you are committing fraud. Anyone who commits unemployment insurance fraud is liable to be punished by law and could even face a variety of serious penalties and consequences. For most jobless workers and their families, UI benefits are continued survival. Unfortunately, a few can ruin a good thing. If you file for … Read more

How Social Media Impacts Your Job Hunt

When it comes to employment or more specifically finding a job, there are many aspects of your life that you’d need to polish up. This is to ensure that all your positive traits and skills are highlighted by your potential employer. You may have the perfect tie and suit for the interview, a perfectly presented resume, certificates and awards to boost your chances, but one aspect many forget to clean … Read more

How Can Low Unemployment Gradually Increase Inflation

The trade-off between inflation and unemployment The trade-off between inflation and unemployment was first reported by A. W. Phillips in 1958—and so has been christened the Phillips curve. The simple intuition behind this trade-off is that as unemployment falls, workers are empowered to push for higher wages. Firms try to pass these higher wage costs to consumers, resulting in higher prices and an inflationary build up in the economy. The … Read more

Comparison of Unemployment Rate to Inflation and GDP Since 1929

When it comes to the unemployment rate in America, it is based on the percentage of the total unemployed labor force throughout the country. This helps in reviewing the country’s economy through the years. With this, we understand that unemployment rises during recessions and falls on the rebound. You should know that unemployment declined during the 5 US wars and mainly during World War II. But quickly after the wars … Read more

Hostile Work Environment & UI Benefits

You may be considering quitting your job because the environment at work no longer feels secure or peaceful. Perhaps, you already quit the job voluntarily because you could not take it anymore. Since UI benefits are usually offered to people who lose their jobs due to no fault of their own, it is only natural that you might be wondering if you are eligible or not. Here’s some happy news, … Read more