Sectoral Unemployment: Retail Trade Hit By Coronavirus

retail trade coronavirus

Retail Trade is a significant sector in the modern economy. It employs a large number of people across various verticals from food to fashion. The market has players as big as Amazon to small neighborhood artisanal stores. You’d expect retail trade to be hit badly by the coronavirus, but there is a mixed record. What is the unemployment in retail trade looking like? Retail Trading consists of establishments that sell … Read more

Unemployment in Health Care Services During Coronavirus Pandemic

Unemployment in Health Care Services

Yes, you read that right. We are all well aware of the importance of healthcare professionals at this crucial time. We read about the admirable efforts of frontline doctors, nurses, administrative staff, etc in handling the burden of patients. They are out there risking their health for our benefit. And yet, The Employment Situation tells us that 43,000 jobs disappeared. How did the Coronavirus pandemic cause unemployment in Health Care … Read more

Are You A Striking Union Worker In The USA?

The unemployment ratio in the USA has been showing a deteriorating nature but at a very slow pace. Despite sinking oil prices and a rally on the wall street, the unemployment rate in the USA has sunk below 5% for the first time in the past eight years. “The United States Of America right now has the strongest, most durable economy in the world”, says Obama, the president. With the … Read more

Sectoral Unemployment: Accommodation And Food Services

unemployment accommodation food services

The latest report from the Department of Labor for the week from March 21-28 is just in. The unemployment claim numbers are at an all-time high for the second week running at 6,648,000 seasonally adjusted initial claims. The labor department reports that most states attribute these numbers to layoffs led by the accommodation and food services sector. In this post, we take a sectoral overview of accommodation and food services … Read more

Coronavirus Careers: Jobs Still Hiring

coronavirus careers

Job losses, layoffs, unemployment, furloughs- these are all the words we have been seeing in the past few weeks. As the US economy seems geared to head into a recession, people are naturally anxious about the future of their employment. In this scenario, are there any careers available despite coronavirus? Is anyone hiring? The good news is that yes, there are several new jobs coming up even now, some in … Read more

Unemployment Due to Health Reasons

Resigning from your place of work for unavoidable reasons takes a toll on your life in all ways monetary, besides the emotional and career-related setbacks. One of the leading concerns that act as a cause for voluntary resignation from your place of work is health issues, either your own or of a close family member. Long-term or chronic illnesses can surpass your sick days, forcing you to call it quits … Read more

Quitting a Job Voluntarily to Move Out With Your Spouse

Your spouse shifting states or countries for work can be a strain not only on your relationship but on your monetary condition as well. Though many individuals now take the bold move of quitting their own job and moving with their better halves, the shift can affect your career and make a marked difference in the family’s bank balance. Unemployment Benefits aim at making sure that such shifts are easier, … Read more

Does Artificial Intelligence Provide More Jobs or Kill the Current Jobs?

Artificial Intelligence is set to change the landscape of the job market by cutting jobs, adding Artificial Intelligence (AI) related jobs and ensuring that the workforce continues to reskill themselves. After all, AI was developed based on the theory and the development of computers that are able to perform tasks that require human intelligence. This could be visual perception, decision making, speech recognition, and translation. This term was coined in … Read more

The Employment Situation in the United States – January 2024

The Employment situation is a monthly report provided by the US Bureau of Labour statistics. The report mainly consists of data which involves the unemployment rates in the country. This unemployment rate research takes into account all factors such as unemployment in the terms of ethnicity, race, gender, age and industry.  The report also examines the improvement/decline in wage among companies. While the report does provide the data, here are … Read more

A Detailed Guide To $300 Extra Unemployment Benefits In California

The Employment Development Department (EDD) received approval from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to offer $300 extra unemployment benefits in California. The additional benefits are a part of a new executive order signed by President Donald Trump.   So when will the EDD start giving out the additional benefits to Californians? This article will break it down for you!  When Will EDD Begin Paying Extra Benefits? Ever since the Employment … Read more