Can You Reopen Unemployment Benefits If You Are Laid Off Again?

The pandemic-induced economic downturn had caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs and depend on the federal or state-provided Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits for survival. But as states begin to restart economic activities, people are finding new jobs or returning to their old jobs. But what happens if you get laid off again due to the pandemic? Can you reopen unemployment benefits?   The answer is: Yes. You are eligible … Read more

The Long Term Effect Of Unemployment on Personality

Unemployment is not a pleasant phase of life. For the ones who depend on monthly salary credits into the bank account, jobless days tend to slow down life. Most of us would have passed through this phase at least once, if not more. Leading life without a job can hurt financially as well as emotionally. We stumbled upon an interesting study titled “Unemployment and Personality” which throws light on change … Read more

Unemployment in Florida after Hurricane Irma

Florida’s economy was strong before the storm and looks to rebound after a short term slowdown and this will have an impact on the state’s budget. The previous lawmakers had projected $52 billion as a surplus and this is a fraction to the $83 billion budget which was destroyed by Irma. The $2.5 billion in losses to agricultural industry in Florida would only increase the stress on the budget as … Read more

States Having The Hardest Time Implementing UI Benefits

hardest time with UI benefits

We have previously taken a look at the states with the largest number of UI claims with regard to their progress in with the new unemployment insurance systems. Since then, there have been reports of a lot more people starting to receive their weekly entitlements in those states. But some states have not yet started implementing the new UI benefits rules. In this post, we will take a look at … Read more

Stimulus Package: Unemployed Americans May Get Only $5 A week Without A Deal

Recently, President Donald Trump called off negotiations for the fifth round of the Coronavirus stimulus package. This implies that millions of unemployed Americans looking for a boost in unemployment benefits are out of luck, at least for some time, and may have to depend on regular unemployment benefits from the federal or state government. In some states, it may be as little as $5 a week. Why Isn’t The Federal … Read more

Unemployment Benefits Appeal Process: All That You Need To Know

  If you have lost your job through no fault of your own, you can apply for unemployment benefits if you meet all the eligibility criteria. However, many times, despite meeting the requirements, your state’s insurance program might deny your claim. In such cases, you have the right to appeal the denial. So how do you file an unemployment benefits appeal? Read on to know the process. 5 Reasons Your … Read more

Sectoral Unemployment: Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Hit By Coronavirus

coronavirus unemployment arts & entertainment

As a sector dominated by gig workers and contractors, unemployment in arts,  entertainment and recreation sector has been drastic, next only to the accommodation and food services sector in scale. Sub-sectors include performing arts, museums, theatres,  amusement parks, gambling arcades, stage shows, fitness centers, spectator sports, etc. The movie industry also comes under this sector. Many states have declared shutdowns affecting footfall to these venues while they have voluntarily closed … Read more

What Is a Labor Lawyer?

Labor Lawyer

Differences of opinion and philosophy are common in the workplace and often manifest between employers and their teams. When this happens, an entire class of legal experts exists to help both employees and the organizations successfully navigate the situation and attempt to come to a successful agreement without going to court. Whether you’re an employee in a difficult situation or a leader within an organization, it’s important to understand the … Read more

How Is Unemployment Due To Coronavirus Shaping Up So Far?

coronavirus unemployment shaping up

The global economic shutdown following the Coronavirus pandemic began with a lot of speculation and fear over the prospective job losses. Three weeks on we have a clearer picture of what is happening and what the future will need in terms of bouncing back from the economic impact. We will take a brief look at how unemployment due to coronavirus is faring and what the likely future holds. Unemployment Due … Read more

Self-Employment and Unemployment Insurance

The Story of Lisa Parker Lisa Parker, a budding dot com entrepreneur in her late thirties runs a small company that deals with web development and maintenance for local enterprises in Detroit, MI. Her husband works as a marine engineer employed with a shipping conglomerate. Lisa has two kids who are in high school. Lisa’s firm, Web Success is registered as sole proprietorship with the local authorities and she pays … Read more