Ghosted: Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies?

Why You’re Not Hearing Back From the Companies

Are you on the job hunt and not hearing back from the companies you applied to? Well, they could be numerous reasons as to why you do not hearing back from jobs you applied for. Not knowing where you stand in your job search can be pretty stressful for you. The uncertainty on whether you should keep applying for more jobs or wait for a response from previous interviews and … Read more

Can You Receive Long-Term Disability And UI Benefits Simultaneously?

If you are unemployed and disabled, you might be wondering if you can receive Long-Term Disability (LTD) and Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits simultaneously. The answer? Rarely. You can collect them simultaneously only when the eligibility requirements of the Long-Term Disability and Unemployment Insurance program overlap.  In this article, we will guide you on collecting Long-Term Disability and UI benefits simultaneously. But before that, let’s have a detailed look at LTD … Read more

Long Term Unemployment – Tips to Boost Your Job Search

Being unemployed is a phase of life where one can succumb to a lot of negativity and suffer from low morale. This fact is more evident during long-term unemployment, specially when you’re the breadwinner and there are no financial resources available as a backup. You’re doing all that you can to look up for jobs, but not finding any. During such a phase, you must pause from the routine, introspect, … Read more

How Smoking Can Affect Your Job Prospects?

The destructive effects of an addiction to Tobacco to your health are well-established facts. Now you have more reason to worry as a study published in California, by JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) Internal Medicine finds that Smoking can affect your financial life severely too. Besides, it also determines that smokers, apart from being more likely to not find a job, are twice more likely to stay unemployed. Habitual … Read more

A Complete Guide To Child Care Service Programs In Texas

The Child Care Services (CCS) program in Texas provides financial aid to low-income families and enables parents to work, take up educational activities, or attend workforce training. CCS is funded through the federal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) and is led by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) in Texas.  Who Qualifies For The Child Care Services Program? Families should meet certain federal, state, and local requirements to be eligible … Read more

Is High Salary Expectation A Reason For Unemployment?

We’ve come across many stories of people who once earned six-figure salaries but were then abruptly laid off. Such people often find it difficult to get another job with matching salary. Because of this, some of them opt to make themselves more marketable and pursue higher studies. The end result is that they add student loans to the burden of unemployment and may still fail to find a job that … Read more

14 US States Encounter Record Low Jobless Rates

April 2018 marks the 107th month of the current economic expansion that had begun in June of 2009. This expansion surpassed what was previously regarded as the second longest economic expansion in US history from February 1961 to December 1969. With the assumption that this economic performance continues, the record low jobless rates in 14 states will become part of the second longest economic expansion in US history. Fourteen states … Read more

Partial Unemployment Benefits During COVID-19

Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses have shut down, pushing millions of Americans into unemployment. As per reports, about 20 million people have lost their jobs in April alone. To help the unemployed meet their financial requirements, the U.S. Congress has passed a $2 trillion stimulus package. This package offers unemployment benefits to full-time employees and self-employed workers, freelancers, contractors, etc.  The package also provides partial … Read more

How to Tackle Long Term Unemployment- A Collective Approach to Bounce Back

Long term unemployment is a perennial policy concern for several reasons. First, it tends to have detrimental effects on the individuals involved. Workers’ human capital (whether actual or perceived by employers) may deteriorate during a spell of unemployment, and the time devoted to job search typically declines. Both factors imply that the chances of getting employed may increase thereby reducing the time period used up for job search. More generally, … Read more

Withdrawal Of $300 Weekly Unemployment Benefits: What Should You Know

Weekly unemployment benefits withdrawal

The American Rescue Plan, signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, provides $300 weekly unemployment benefits to qualified unemployed Americans. Though the Rescue Plan boosted $300 benefits through September 2021, recently, the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce is calling for Washington to stop paying the additional benefits to the citizens.  Why Is The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Calling For Washington To Stop The Payments? According to the … Read more