A Guide To The Extended Unemployment Benefits In South Carolina

Like any other state, the unemployment rate in South Carolina (SC) skyrocketed due to the Coronavirus-induced economic shutdown. To help the unemployed meet their financial needs during the crisis, the Department of Employment and Workforce has announced an extension of unemployment benefits. So, who qualifies for the extended unemployment benefits in SC? 

Here, we will guide you on eligibility requirements for Extended Benefits (EB). But before that, let us learn more about the EB. 

More About Extended Unemployment Benefits In SC

On Wednesday, 22 July, the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) announced that the state would offer an additional 6 weeks of unemployment benefits to the qualified. This extension is the addition to the 10 weeks of extended benefits that were announced in early July. This means that South Carolinians can receive benefits for an additional 16 weeks. 

State law allows for the second time extension to the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program because South Carolina’s unemployment rate has exceeded the threshold level, i.e., 8% for the past 3 months. However, the additional 6 weeks would be the last and final extension provided under the state law. 

Who Qualifies For EB In South Carolina?

South Carolinians who have exhausted their traditional unemployment benefits year ended on 14 June can receive extended unemployment benefits. To qualify for EB, you must meet several requirements. Some of them are listed below. 

  • Exhausted all benefits received through regular unemployment program under state law
  • Exhausted benefits received through the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program
  • Have no rights to traditional unemployment benefits under any UI law of another other state or Canada
  • Meet base period wages and work requirements under the regular unemployment benefits: (1) wages is 40 times higher than the most recent weekly unemployment benefit amount; or (2) total earnings in your base period is greater or equal to 1.5 times the highest quarter: or (3) 20 weeks of full-time covered job

How Much Benefits Will You Receive Under The Extended Benefits Program?

The weekly benefit amount under the Extended Benefits program is the same as you receive through the traditional Unemployment Insurance or the PEUC program.

Note – The claimants who qualify for regular and extended unemployment benefits programs will no longer receive $600 benefits under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program, as it has come to an end on 25 July. 

How To Apply For Extended Unemployment Benefits In SC? 

You can apply for extended unemployment benefits in South Carolina by visiting the MyBenefits portal and clicking on the Customer Menu option. 

Note that the page will display only the “Apply for Extended Benefits” option if you have already exhausted 20 weeks of your regular benefits and 13 additional weeks of PEUC program. 

But if you have recently lost a job or aren’t currently collecting the regular benefits, you cannot apply for Extended Benefits but must first file for regular unemployment benefits. However, before filing a claim, it is wiser to check if you qualify for benefits to avoid any claim denial. 

Eligibility Criteria For Regular Unemployment Benefits 

The state provides regular unemployment benefits if you have lost your job through no fault of your own. Some of the other eligibility requirements include:

  1. Are able, available and actively looking for a job
  2. Have earned a minimum of $1,092 during the highest quarter in your base period
  3. Total wages in base period are equal to or greater than 1.5 times the wages in the highest quarter 
  4. Total earnings in the base period are minimum $4,455 

Note – Although work search requirements are mandatory, the state has currently suspended weekly job searches throughout the State of Emergency, declared by the Governor of the state.  

Where To File For Regular Unemployment Benefits In South Carolina?

You can apply for regular unemployment benefits through the MyBenefits Portal. To apply for benefits:

Step 1 – Register by completing the required documentation. If you have already registered, enter the username and password, and log in to your account. 

Step 2 – Enter the necessary details and file a claim. 

Details Required While Filing A Claim

While applying for UI benefits, you will be required to enter several details. Some of them include:

1. Reason for separation from the employer 

2. Social Security number

3. Alien registration number and documentation if you are not an American citizen

4. DD-214 Form (Member 4 copy) if you have offered services in the military in the past 18 months 

5. Employment history for the past 18 months. This includes:

  • Employers’ names
  • Employers’ phone numbers
  • Employers’ addresses
  • Salary from each employer
  • SF-50 or SF-8 Form if you were a federal civilian employee

    Once you have filed a claim, DEW will determine if you are eligible for benefits. Within a week after applying, the authorities will send a notice of Monetary Determination through the mail. The letter includes details regarding potential maximum and weekly benefits. 

    DEW may sometimes ask you to submit some information to determine your eligibility. The information can be submitted through fax or mail. 

    Note that you will receive a final eligibility decision within 21 days following the Monetary Determination. However, if you don’t receive the eligibility decision, you can check your application’s status through the MyBenefits Portal.  


    (1) If you don’t have the required documents, log off, gather the documents, and log in again. You will see “Resume My UI Link.” The link will take you through each page that you have completed. All you need to do is click “next” until you reach the page which you had stopped filing.  

    (2) You must certify each week so that the Department of Employment and Workforce knows you are still unemployed, failing to which you won’t receive the payments.

    (3) You cannot claim a week’s benefit until the week has been completed.  

    (4) When applying, you will be asked to choose the payment method, i.e., debit card or direct deposit. For more information, visit the payment page. 

    Final Words

    The state is implementing all possible measures to help the unemployed South Carolinas. While extended unemployment benefits help you meet your needs, for the time being, DEW’s employment resources and opportunities can help you find a job. To know more about it, visit the DEW website. 

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