A Guide To The Extended Unemployment Benefits In South Carolina

Like any other state, the unemployment rate in South Carolina (SC) skyrocketed due to the Coronavirus-induced economic shutdown. To help the unemployed meet their financial needs during the crisis, the Department of Employment and Workforce has announced an extension of unemployment benefits. So, who qualifies for the extended unemployment benefits in SC?  Here, we will guide you on eligibility requirements for Extended Benefits (EB). But before that, let us learn … Read more

States Reinstate Work Search Requirements For Unemployment Benefits

With $600 weekly benefits scheduled to end in the next few days, millions of unemployed Americans are devastated and are looking for ways to meet their needs in a crisis. To add more, some states are reinstating work search requirements, making it hard to qualify for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits.  States have the work search requirement in normal times, but some states temporarily suspended the requirement due to the pandemic. … Read more

Can You Get Fired Because of a Facebook Post?

Fired Because of a Facebook Post

Wondering if you can get fired for posting something on Facebook and other social media? The majority of people believe that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech, protects their right to say anything they want, online or off. This is true when it comes to the government. Within limits, the government may not tell us what we can say … Read more

Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) – Eligibility And Benefits

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a program that provides temporary financial assistance to low-income families. The benefits can be used to pay food, medical, shelter, and utilities bills. TANF is also known as the Temporary Assistance (TA) program.  Under the TANF program, the federal government provides grants to states provided states use their own income to pay for needy families.  States have the discretion to determine the … Read more

A Guide To Unemployment Insurance Benefits For Independent Contractors

To help Americans make it through the crisis, the federal government had announced the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, also known as the CARES Act in March. This program includes several provisions such as Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), etc. While the PEUC program provides unemployment benefits for an additional 13 weeks, PUA, on the other hand, provides Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits for the … Read more

An Employer’s Guide To Unemployment Insurance Benefits

The states provide Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to those who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. Though this financial relief measure is a federal-state program, the amount is collected from employers in the form of state unemployment insurance taxes.  Since the taxes collected from employers are used to pay benefits, it becomes necessary for employers to know more about Unemployment Insurance benefits.  Here, let’s look at UI … Read more

Return-To-Work Bonus : An Alternative To Unemployment Benefits

After shutting down for a long time, businesses across the United States have finally reopened. However, the firms are facing trouble in getting people to work for them due to two major reasons—(1) people are scared they would contract the virus while working, (2) the unemployment benefits received under the pandemic relief package is much more than they would earn if they worked.  To encourage people to return to work, … Read more

What Do The Jobs of The Future Look Like?

What do the Jobs of the Future Look Like

Jobs of the future, have already surfaced in the United States of America. A lot of activities that the workforce carries out today are going to become automated in the times to come. Several new advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence are the way forward for the workforce of the future.  Automation-enabled technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence will increase productivity among the workforce. This, in turn, will … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide To Long-Term Disability Insurance

Employers offer various benefits and insurance policies to protect their employees. Some of them include health insurance, vision insurance, and disability insurance. Disability insurance is of two types: Short-Term Disability (STD) and Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits. While Short-Term Disability insurance offers compensation for a limited time, Long-Term Disability Insurance provides income replacement for an extended period. More about Long-Term Disability Insurance Long-Term Disability insurance offers compensation or replaces income for … Read more

Here’s What You Should Know About Unemployment Tax Refund

Unemployment Tax refund

Unemployment Insurance (UI) is usually considered as a taxable income. But the American Rescue Plan that was announced in March 2021 waived the federal tax on up to $10,200 for individuals or up to $20,400 for married couples filing jointly. Since the Rescue Plan was signed into law, millions of Americans have filed their taxes, mostly without or little knowledge of the new tax break. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) … Read more