How to Make a Resume in 15 Easy Steps

How To Make a Resume

Knowing how to make a professional resume may be one of life’s greatest mysteries and most intimidating tasks. There’s so much pressure! Your resume, also known as a curriculum vitae, must be polished, professional, clear, and engaging–otherwise, it’s doubtful you’ll get a second look from a hiring manager. 15 Easy Steps for Making a Resume Make Sure You Meet the Job Qualifications Plan Your Resume Outline Compile All the Necessary … Read more

5 Ways to Build a Strong Economy

A nation’s economy is its backbone, having an immediate as well as a lasting impact on pretty much every single citizen. The need to want the country’s economy to grow and flourish – to want the currency to hold its position globally, to keep import and export healthy and financially viable, to strive for employment for all and to have a yearly budget that looks after the needs of all, … Read more

How to Find and Edit Resume Templates

How To Find and Edit Resume Templates

Writing a resume from scratch? If you are unemployed and looking for a new job or want to change your career, having the perfect resume is crucial. The first step in creating an eye-catching resume is to choose the ideal layout. The following tips will help you pick the right format for your resume so you can land your dream job. 6 Tips for Finding the Perfect Resume Template Focus … Read more

Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP): How To Apply?

Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program

Veterans of the United States armed forces have several opportunities to receive VA education benefits to make their education more affordable and get closer to a new career. While some programs assist veterans with pursuing bachelor’s or associate degrees, the Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP) targets vocational rehabilitation. Veterans can use VRRAP benefits to secure an in-demand job if they’ve lost their job due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What … Read more

The Top 6 Best Resume Templates

Best Resume Templates

The best resume templates help an applicant connect with a prospective employer. A hiring manager is looking for an employee who will become an asset to their company. If a resume is poorly designed or difficult to interpret, an employer will move to the next resume without even considering that candidate. By choosing the right resume template, your chances of landing an interview are greatly increased. Top 6 Best Resume … Read more

Upskilling with California Job Training Benefits

Better Jobs with California Training Benefits

  If you need to claim unemployment benefits in California, you have the added advantage of availing California Training Benefits (CTB). You can use these programs to educate yourself further and acquire high-demand skills. You can also explore new career avenues all while being able to draw Unemployment Insurance benefits. The programs opted for must be approved by the California Employment Development Department (EDD). You can even get an exemption … Read more

Computer Skills for Jobs Of The Future: Quarantine Upskilling

computer skills for jobs of the future

If you have access to the internet or even books, the coronavirus quarantine is a good time to learn new skills. It is frustrating and heartbreaking to lose your job, but all you can do now is collect your unemployment benefits and figure out what would be the next best move for your life. Like it or not, jobs of the 21st century and onward will demand computer literacy. We … Read more

Upskill During Coronavirus Quarantine For Better Jobs

upskill during quarantine

The coronavirus quarantine is one of the most worrisome times in modern American history. Not only do we all have to contend with a virus that kills people but also with the largest global economic slowdown where we cannot even work if jobs were aplenty. The longer the lockdowns continue the harder it is becoming to visualize what the future might look like. We don’t know how long it will … Read more

6 Elements of a Modern Resume Templates

Modern Resume Template

Your resume is a prospective employer’s first impression of who you are and what you have to offer. In a competitive job market, a fresh, modern resume template is essential for capturing an employer’s attention and enticing them to take a closer look. As you search for the perfect modern resume template, there are certain elements to keep in mind. 6 Elements of a Modern Resume Template Eye-Catching and Professional … Read more

5 Interview Mistakes You Could Be Making

common interview mistakes people make

Have you attended an interview which you thought you owned but then didn’t get a call offering you the job? You probably prepared tirelessly for that interview and knew everything that you needed to know about the company and possessed all the skills for the role. You would have also known the answers to every question asked and were confident throughout. Here are 5 blunders that could cost a perfectly … Read more