
Ohio Unemployment Appeal

Ohio Unemployment Appeal

Ohio unemployment benefits provide financial assistance for workers who have been laid off or have become partially or totally unemployed from their jobs. Ohio considers how much a worker has worked during their base period of employment and the circumstances surrounding their unemployment to determine their qualifying weeks.

Every Ohioan who files for unemployment has the right to appeal a decision about their unemployment compensation benefits under Ohio law. This is true whether the decision was in favor of or against the applicant. The Ohio unemployment appeal process may make it possible for someone who was initially denied benefits to have a case review with a determination in favor of their unemployment claim.

How to appeal an Ohio unemployment decision

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) is the overseeing agency of unemployment compensation and Ohio unemployment appeal processes. Ohio workers may file an Ohio unemployment application through their local office, by calling ODJFS unemployment, or by visiting the ODJFS unemployment website. They can also use these same methods to begin the appeals process for unemployment insurance.

During the review process, ODJFS considers the circumstances of termination, such as wrongful termination, along with a claimant’s eligibility based on how much they’ve worked during their base period.

There are four ways you can submit an appeal. Your denial notice will also include instructions for filing an appeal.

Email: Email your request to [email protected]

Fax: Fax the required information to 1-614-466-8392

Online: Log into your account at, navigate to your claim, and click on File Appeal on the right side of the page.

By Mail – Send appeals by mail to the following address:

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations
Benefit Appeals
P.O. Box 182863
Columbus, Ohio 43216-2863

Ohio workers may have their initial claim denied if they didn’t provide enough information in their claim, didn’t work enough time or earn enough money during their base period, or were terminated from their job for an ineligible reason. However, there are some circumstances where a worker believes they are eligible for unemployment benefits and, therefore, wishes to file an unemployment appeal.

When to file your appeal

To appeal an initial determination about Ohio unemployment benefits, claimants should file a written appeal within 21 days from the issue date of the determination. Ohio counts calendar days rather than business days, so it’s crucial to file the appeal as soon as possible to avoid missing strict deadlines. Your unemployment appeal should include your personal information, the determination’s identification number, and your detailed reasons why you believe the decision is incorrect. If applicable, attach evidence or witness statements to your appeal to back up your claims.

An Ohio unemployment appeal may be filed online through the ODJFS unemployment website or mailed or faxed using the information included in your denial letter.

How to Appeal from a Redetermination

If, after your appeal, you still disagree with the decision, you appeal again. This is called an Appeal from a Redetermination. An unemployment redetermination is a decision ODJFS makes after your initial appeal.

To do this, you must submit a written appeal within 21 days of the issue date of redetermination. You may send in your written appeal online or by mail at the following address:

Director, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations
Bureau of Benefits and Technology
P.O. Box 182863
Columbus, OH 43218-2863

An unemployed worker can also fax the information to (614) 466-8392. Be sure to include the same information you included in your initial appeal, plus any additional evidence or statements you may have to support your appeal.

Request for Unemployment Review by the UCRC

If you disagree with the second appeal, you still have options. The Unemployment Compensation Review Commission (UCRC) handles redetermination appeals and appeals that escalate beyond the redetermination process. An unemployed worker can request a review by the UCRC if they disagree with the decision made from their redetermination appeal.

The UCRC accepts review requests within 21 days from the determination issue date by faxing (614) 387-3694 or mailing:

Unemployment Compensation Review Commission
P.O. Box 182299
Columbus, OH 43218-2299

Appeal to Common Pleas Court

The final tier in the Ohio unemployment appeal process is to file an appeal with the common pleas court local to you or your last place of employment. The court reviews Ohio unemployment eligibility for unemployed workers who disagree with UCRC determinations. Any requests for a common pleas court hearing must be made within 30 days of the UCRC determination. The unemployment compensation review through the court will take into consideration all information supplied to the UCRC, plus the full transcript of the UCRC’s decision.

What to Do While Waiting for an Ohio Unemployment Appeal Decision

While awaiting a decision from ODJFS or the UCRC regarding your Ohio unemployment appeal, you should continue to file a weekly claim and look for work. If your unemployment appeal is decided in your favor, you may be eligible for back pay for weekly claims you could have made during the appeals process. This is true even if you find a job while awaiting the appeal decision. Keep track of all job search activity you’ve made during this time, as you may need to submit it if found eligible for benefits.

How Long Does an Ohio Unemployment Appeal Determination Take?

Most unemployment appeals in Ohio take two to three weeks for ODJFS or the UCRC to make a decision. Each agency has 21 days to determine whether you’re eligible for benefits based on your appeal. The length of time a common pleas court case takes may vary, depending on the court’s scheduling. Some courts take longer to hear cases than others.

Should I Get Legal Representation for My Ohio Unemployment Appeal?

You have the right to represent yourself through an Ohio unemployment appeal. However, every unemployed worker who files an appeal in Ohio also has the right to legal representation, should they feel it necessary. Some Ohio workers might choose this option if they have a complicated employment situation or do not feel confident moving through the appeals process on their own.

Under Ohio revised code, the UCRC may appoint someone to represent you, or you can find your own representation, such as an unemployment lawyer. An unemployment lawyer can help you write your claim, ensuring that you include all the necessary information that could help your case rule in your favor. Your lawyer can help you during any part of the appeals process, from your initial appeal to a court hearing with the common pleas court.

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