
North Dakota Unemployment Eligibility

To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must meet the following requirements:

Non Monetary Eligibility

  • Have been separated from employment through no fault of your own or have had your hours reduced.
  • Be able to work.
  • Be available for work.
  • Be actively seeking employment.
  • Be fired or quit voluntarily for “good cause” connected with work
  • Must register for work by completing at least one online resume at within 10 days of filing or reopening your claim if you are not returning to the employer that laid you off, and/or you are required to search for work and make job contacts

Monetary Eligibility

You can establish monetary eligibility based on work performed during a specific one-year period called the base period.

Your unemployment insurance benefit claim is good for one year based on the effective date of your claim. This 52-week period is called your benefit year. Once your benefits are exhausted for your benefit year, you must wait until the end of your benefit year before you can file a new claim in North Dakota. If you exhaust your North Dakota benefits and have earnings in another state, you may be eligible to file a claim in that state. If you have not used all the benefits in your benefit year and return to work, you can reopen your claim within the benefit year.

Base Period

The amount of unemployment insurance you can receive is based on the wages paid to you during your base period. Base period is defined as the 12-month period consisting of the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters preceding the date that you filed your claim.

Eligibility Questions

What happens if I quit voluntarily?

You may be disqualified from receiving unemployment insurance benefits if you quit work without good cause attributable to your employer. You will be ineligible for benefits until you return to work with another insured employer and earn eight times your weekly benefit amount.

Can I collect unemployment if I am fired?

You may be disqualified from receiving benefits if you are fired for misconduct connected with your work. You will be ineligible for benefits until you return to work with another insured employer and earn wages equal to or greater than ten times your weekly benefit amount.

Grounds for being disqualified for misconduct include, but are not limited to:

  1. the violation of a posted or known company rule
  2. insubordination
  3. theft
  4. destruction of company property
  5. unexcused absences

The law also provides that if you are discharged because of gross misconduct, you will be disqualified from receiving any benefits for a period of one year.

What happens if I am laid off from my job?

There is no penalty or reduction in UI benefits if you are laid off. Your employer will be sent a notice to verify that you were laid off.

Unemployment benefits are designed to help those who lost their jobs through reasons beyond their own control.

If you get laid off because the business can’t afford, you are usually eligible for unemployment benefits. If you were laid off because you weren’t right for the job, then also you may be eligible to collect unemployment.

When you get laid-off, it is not your fault. Getting laid-off doesn’t mean that you were fired or you did something wrong. Once you get laid-off from your job, you should immediately apply for unemployment benefits.

Can I receive benefits if I attend School/Training?

In general, you will be disqualified from receiving benefits if you are attending school or participating in a training program. In limited situations, however, Job Service North Dakota can approve unemployment insurance benefits for individuals attending full-time school or an approved training program.

In order to approve benefits while in training, the Request for Benefits While in Training form in the back of this guide (Page 35) must be submitted. Review the form and if you feel that you meet the requirements, work with a representative in a Job Service customer service office to complete the request. Claims center staff will review your request and determine if you are eligible for benefits while in training.

More Questions?? —-> Read Eligibility Q & A Section

Want to know about how much you will receive?? —–>Calculate your benefits here

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