VA Disability Rating for Tinnitus

Did you know that tinnitus is the primary disability claimed by veterans? If you are a veteran who suffers from tinnitus, you might qualify for disability benefits or compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

5 Common Causes of Tinnitus

  • Loud Noises
  • Head Trauma
  • Change in Pressure
  • Medications
  • Old Age

About one in 10 adults in the United States experience some form of tinnitus, with veterans having even higher rates due to head injuries and repeated exposure to loud noises from gunfire, machinery, aircraft, and more. In 2022, more than 167,000 American veterans received a diagnosis of tinnitus.

If you or your spouse in the military are interested in receiving disability benefits for tinnitus, you can be assured that tinnitus is classified as a VA disability. Over 2.5 million previous military personnel currently receive VA disability benefits because of tinnitus.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a disability that causes frequent or constant buzzing or ringing in one or both ears. It can also be described as a hissing or roaring sound with various high or low-pitched tones. The noise can only be heard inside one’s head and is not audible to others. The term “tinnitus” originates from a Latin word that means “to jingle” and is particularly common among veterans.

You may be asking yourself, “Is tinnitus a VA disability that is eligible for disability compensation?” The answer is yes. In reality, tinnitus is the most prevalent VA disability among veterans. Some cases of tinnitus are worse than others, with some people barely noticing it while others find it extremely bothersome. For many veterans, tinnitus serves as a reminder of war and generates a negative emotional response, leading to secondary conditions like depression, sleep apnea, insomnia, and anxiety.

So, is there a cure for tinnitus? The answer depends on the underlying cause of your condition. If loud noises or old age caused your tinnitus, a hearing aid can often alleviate the issue. Some cases of tinnitus can be caused by an ear canal blockage or infection. When the blockage or infection is resolved, the tinnitus will disappear.

However, some cases of tinnitus are caused by permanent damage that cannot be cured. In these situations, your doctor may recommend using a white noise machine while at home to make your tinnitus less noticeable. Wearing a masking device in your ear that produces continuous, low-level white noise to suppress tinnitus sounds may also be beneficial.

5 Causes of Tinnitus

You can only receive VA disability benefits for tinnitus if it is related to your time in the military. Therefore, it’s important to identify the cause of your tinnitus symptoms.

Loud Noises

Frequent exposure to loud noises, such as those encountered in military training and combat, can cause tinnitus. Your inner ear has delicate hairs called cochlea that move when sound waves hit them. This movement sends signals to your brain, which interprets them as sound.

However, prolonged exposure to loud noises like gunfire or machinery can damage your cochlea, causing them to break or bend. A damaged cochlea can send false electrical signals to your brain, resulting in “phantom” sounds.

Many veterans experience hearing problems like tinnitus or military hearing loss as a result of the loud noises they encountered while serving. If you believe your tinnitus is due to your military service, you may be eligible for VA disability benefits.

Head Trauma

In some cases of head trauma, the inner ear or nerves connected to the ear can be damaged. Trauma to the head or neck can also affect the brain’s functions that control hearing. If your tinnitus is caused by head trauma, it will often affect only one ear. If you have tinnitus and have experienced head trauma or a traumatic brain injury during your service, the two may be linked, and you may qualify for veterans disability benefits.

Change in Pressure

Tinnitus can also be caused by a change in pressure, which can occur due to earwax buildup, foreign objects in the ear, or fluid from an ear infection. If your tinnitus is caused by an ear canal blockage or infection, it is usually temporary and will go away once the blockage or infection is treated.


Certain medications can cause or worsen tinnitus, such as antidepressants, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cancer drugs, and some antibiotics. When you stop taking these medications, tinnitus may stop or improve.

Old Age

Old age is a common cause of tinnitus, as nerve fibers decline in number as you age. Although tinnitus caused by aging cannot be cured, your doctor may be able to prescribe medications or a hearing aid to help alleviate your symptoms.

How Does the VA Rate Tinnitus?

When you make a VA claim, the Department of Veterans Affairs employs a VA disability rating system to assess the severity of your disability and determine the amount of VA compensation you qualify for. Your VA disability rating ranges from 0-100%, with 0% disqualifying you from receiving monthly compensation but still eligible for ancillary benefits such as healthcare, while 100% grants you the maximum VA benefit amount.

You may wonder, what is the VA disability rating for tinnitus? For tinnitus, the maximum VA disability rating is only 10%, whether it affects one ear or both. The VA does not consider the bilateral factor, which is an additional 10% that is usually added to a rating if the condition affects both sides of the body. As of December 2022, a 10% VA disability rating for tinnitus awards $165.92 in special monthly compensation.

VA Proposed Changes for Tinnitus Claims

Currently, military hearing loss has a unique VA rating, and veterans with both tinnitus and hearing loss from their service can receive two separate VA disability ratings and two sets of compensation.

However, the VA rating system may change soon. In February 2022, the VA proposed diagnostic code changes that would group tinnitus and military hearing loss together, but the changes have not been implemented yet. If the changes are made, tinnitus and hearing loss will no longer be separate disabilities with separate disability ratings.

Under the proposed changes, veterans with tinnitus would need to meet stricter criteria to receive any VA benefits. A veteran’s tinnitus case must be related to hearing loss or another service-connected disability to be eligible for VA compensation. Veterans would no longer receive VA benefits for tinnitus itself. This change would significantly reduce the number of veterans who qualify for VA compensation for tinnitus. However, veterans who are currently receiving benefits for tinnitus would continue to receive them.

It is essential to understand that these changes to the VA rating system may not happen. The VA is currently gathering feedback on the proposed plan to alter the disability rating system. There is no set date for when these diagnostic code changes will be implemented, if at all.

Common Tinnitus Tests

Tinnitus is an invisible disability, but there are ways that your doctor can diagnose it. Your doctor may order one or more of the following tests to determine the specific type of tinnitus you are experiencing and what treatments can provide tinnitus relief.

Hearing test

A hearing test, also known as an audiological exam, evaluates your ear’s ability to hear sounds of different pitches and frequencies. You will go into a soundproof booth and listen to a series of tones while pushing a button each time you hear a tone. The test measures the functioning of your middle ear, inner ear, ear bones, and ear canal.

Why is a hearing test used to diagnose tinnitus? Tinnitus is often accompanied by hearing loss, and a hearing test can help determine the pitch and intensity of the ringing in your ear.


Another way your doctor may assess the level and origin of tinnitus is by observing how your body movements affect your symptoms. Moving your eyes, neck, jaw, arms, and legs can increase or decrease the severity of your symptoms. Your doctor will ask you to take note of any changes you notice while performing a series of movements.


A CT scan or MRI can detect any structural causes of ringing in the ear. Imaging provides detailed pictures of the inner ear and surrounding area, identifying any issues that may lead to hearing loss or tinnitus. Blood vessel abnormalities near the ear, tumors, or other growths pressing on the inner ear may cause ringing in the ear. Imaging is the only way to detect these conditions.

Lab work

Blood work can also help identify the causes of tinnitus because certain medical conditions may lead to ringing in the ear. Allergies, anemia, thyroid problems, heart disease, and diabetes are some of the conditions that may cause tinnitus. Certain medications can also cause this complication. Treating the underlying medical condition can help alleviate or eliminate symptoms.

Tinnitus Treatments

There are many different tinnitus treatments available for veterans suffering from this common disability. By working with your doctor, you can find the right combination of treatments to relieve your symptoms. It is important to stay informed about new treatment options.

Masking Device

A masking device produces white noise to cover the ringing or buzzing sounds caused by tinnitus. One type of masking device is worn in the ear like a hearing aid. These devices are comfortable and small enough to be barely visible. Another type of masking device is a white noise machine that can be found in many shapes and sizes. You can even download white noise apps to your mobile device.

Hearing Aid

Since hearing loss often accompanies tinnitus, using a hearing aid can sometimes provide relief. When the hearing aid amplifies outside noise, those sounds can replace the ringing or buzzing in the ear.

Treating Underlying Medical Conditions

It is wise to address any underlying medical conditions that may be causing your tinnitus symptoms. Sometimes a buildup of earwax can be the culprit, and removing it can help. Changing medication may also be necessary, but only as directed by your physician.


Cognitive-based therapy (CBT) can help people manage stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which can contribute to tinnitus. Tinnitus retraining therapy can help train your brain to ignore the sounds of tinnitus.

Lifestyle Changes

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of tinnitus treatment. Avoiding things like alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine can improve symptoms. Protect your hearing by wearing hearing protection around loud noises and keeping volume levels low. Seek out support groups to connect with others who share your symptoms. Alternative therapies, like acupuncture, may also provide relief.

How To Establish a Service Connection for Tinnitus

Proving that your tinnitus is connected to your military service can be challenging, but it’s necessary if you want to receive VA disability benefits for the condition.

To establish a service connection for tinnitus, you need to provide evidence of both your condition and an event during your active duty that led to your tinnitus. You’ll also need an official diagnosis from an audiologist and a medical opinion from a professional who believes your symptoms are linked to your military service. This can include testimony from a doctor at a hearing center or the services of a VA disability lawyer.

It’s essential to understand that you cannot receive VA benefits for tinnitus that is not a result of an illness or injury sustained during your time in service. If your tinnitus is due to old age or an illness unrelated to your service, you’re not eligible for VA compensation for tinnitus.

Tinnitus is the top VA disability claim in the United States among former servicemen and women. The symptoms of tinnitus include hearing sounds like ringing, buzzing, or hissing that aren’t really there. Tinnitus can be caused by loud noises, head trauma, change in pressure, certain medications, and old age.

If you believe you have tinnitus, it’s crucial to receive a diagnosis and treatment from a doctor. Once you establish a service connection for your tinnitus, you’re eligible to receive VA disability compensation in the form of monthly payments and benefits based on your VA disability rating.