Paycheck Protection Program: All About Financial Assistance For Small Businesses

The Coronavirus pandemic outbreak has affected the Americans like never before. Many businesses have shut down, and millions of people have lost their employment. To provide Americans with economic assistance, the U.S. Congress has passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) act. This act offers unemployment benefits to the unemployed in addition to supporting business operations through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  What Is a Paycheck Protection Program? … Read more

The Employment Situation – October 2020

Even as the United States continues to witness significant spread in the Coronavirus cases, October’s economic growth was better than expected. According to the reports of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total nonfarm payrolls increased by 638,000 in October, and the unemployment rate declined to 6.9%.  This indicates that the U.S. labor market is reopening, and the economy is reaching the pre-COVID level.  Major Ups and Down In … Read more

Why Reducing Unemployment Rate Is Not Enough


The rate of unemployment in the United States reached a record low by the end of April, which is said to have the lowest rate of unemployment in the last 50 years. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%, and the month of April will be the 14th consecutive month to record an unemployment rate below 4 percent. While the drop in the rate of unemployment appears to be a good … Read more

San Francisco To Offer Free Tuition To Residents

Free tuition will be provided to the residents of San Francisco, announced the city’s Mayor. This would be done in partnership with a Community College which will make it the first city in the country to offer free tuition to its residents. Ed Lee, Mayor of San Francisco announced that “The government will set aside $5.4 million per year for enrolment fees and other expenses for the City College of … Read more

The Employment Situation – April 2024

Employment Situation in April 2019

As per the April employment situation report, the unemployment rate is the lowest in 50 years at 3.6 percent while nonfarm payroll employment increased by 263,000. The April employment situation report further stated that major job gains were in professional and business services, construction, health care, and social assistance. Household Survey Data This is the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. The rate declined by 0.2 percentage point to 3.6 percent … Read more

Economy And Jobs: The Key Parameters For U.S. President 2020

With the U.S presidential elections nearing a close, one thing on every citizen’s mind is Jobs, employment, and the economy. Whoever comes into power has a massive challenge against him to get the economy and job market back on track so that the people of the country don’t face any more turmoil in these uncertain times. Initially, when the pandemic began, the month of April saw the unemployment rate at … Read more

A Detailed Guide To The $375 Stimulus Payments In Colorado

Colorado’s Governor Jared Polis recently signed an executive order to stimulate the state’s economy and extend support to the Coloradans’ worst hit by the current economic crisis. The executive order aims to provide $375 stimulus payments to the qualifying Coloradans. The stimulus package is said to cost the state about $168 million. The order will provide financial aid to more than 400,000 Coloradans whose earnings are affected by the COVID-19 … Read more

Jobless Claims Below 300,000 for Record Longest Streak

April marks the lowest number of jobless claims and this means that those claiming new unemployment has never been this low. With the initial jobless claims decreasing by 9,000 against a proxy of layoffs in the US that was adjusted to 233,000 in the week. What this means is that claims have now gone below the 300,000 mark for 162 weeks in a row and this is the longest streak … Read more

New York’s Increasing Unemployment Rate Poses Challenge for Cuomo

Though the nation’s jobless rate has been falling over the last year, New York State’s has been growing abruptly, giving a challenge to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo as he attempts to build an image as a economic centrist who can change the state’s business climate. Over the last 12 months, New York has been the only state with a statistically significant increase in its jobless rate, as per the Bureau … Read more

Employment Situation across USA – September 2014

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S department of Labor, released its monthly report on employment situation across the country. This data sheet was in form of a news release that was published on Friday, October 3rd 2014 –“The Employment Situation — September 2014” Our efforts are to keep readers & patrons updated on the latest news on employment situation in the country. We have decoded this extravagant fact sheet and we present the data … Read more