The Employment Situation – October 2018

FUN Unemployment Employment Situation October 2018

The Total non-farm payroll employment in the United States rose by 250,000 in October and the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.7 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. Job gains occurred in the health care industries, manufacturing, construction, and in transportation and warehousing industries. Household Survey Data The unemployment rate in the United States remained at 3.7 percent in the month of October and the number of unemployed persons … Read more

Unemployment situation in Buffalo, NY

All of us know that the greatest effect of recession has been unemployment. There has been lot of depression and frustration due to this. As the President Barack Obama will make a stop at Buffalo, NY, the economically hassled people are planning to welcome him with a billboard that says “Dear Mr.President, I need a freakin job. Period.” Actually this is a part of the campaign organized by Jeff Baker … Read more

Young, Unemployed and Broke

Landing a stable job is usually the first thing in mind after graduating. But, newbies just out of the college might be in for a shock. Employers expecting to hire experienced workers is surely a concern. Here is something which might add to their woes! According to a new analysis by Centre for American Progress, the youth unemployment in the US is historic high at 16.2%. Young Americans are now … Read more

HEROES Act: All About The Second Round Of Stimulus Check

The House of Representatives recently passed a $3trillion bill known as The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act. This bill would provide relief for Americans who lost their jobs due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The HEROES Act is a second stimulus check passed ever since the pandemic began.  The HEROES Act aims to provide a $1,200 base payment to eligible individuals and $2,400 for married couples filing … Read more

A Quick Look At The List Of Seasonal Thanksgiving Jobs For 2020

Although Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and the Cyber Monday 2020 shopping season will look different this year, many delivery and retailer companies are preparing for a peak shopping season by adding a large workforce to their teams. If you are looking for jobs to help fund your holiday shopping and pay other bills, then the following list of seasonal Thanksgiving jobs in 2020 are definitely worth checking out.  Top Seasonal Thanksgiving Jobs … Read more

Status of Ohio Unemployment Fund

The unemployment seems to be taking its toll in Ohio now. It seems that the Ohio’s unemployment fund is broke. This is because the tax that the employers pay to subsidize the unemployment fund id being reduced this year. Ohio has been one of the thirty three states that has been borrowing from the federal government to continue funding the unemployed who has lost jobs due to the recession. Ohio … Read more

14 US States Encounter Record Low Jobless Rates

April 2018 marks the 107th month of the current economic expansion that had begun in June of 2009. This expansion surpassed what was previously regarded as the second longest economic expansion in US history from February 1961 to December 1969. With the assumption that this economic performance continues, the record low jobless rates in 14 states will become part of the second longest economic expansion in US history. Fourteen states … Read more

Unemployment for the Teaching Aspirants in Illinois

The unemployment situation has not spared Illinois State too. The unemployment rate has been rising since December 2006. Many of them thought that unemployment will not hit the teachers but they have been proved wrong. There are students, who have completed their degrees in English and have teaching certificates, looking out for jobs in vain. The worst part is that they have to start paying their loans after a grace … Read more

Status of Foreclosures in US

The recession has hit the states of US very hard, which in turn has hit the unemployment rate. This has a very bad effect on home loans section. Many loans have been ending up in foreclosure and that is a very sad situation. Reports claim that Nevada was the forerunner in the foreclosure rate. Almost one in every 69 houses have got a notice there. Arizona took the second place … Read more

Governor of California Proposes Cuts in Health and Welfare Programs

California, like the other states in US, has been in recession since three years. The state has been making its best efforts to come out of it as soon as possible. The governor of the state, Arnold Schwarzenegger released the revise budget plan proposing major cuts in the health and welfare programs. He laid out the option of removing CalWORKS which was the state’s welfare-to-work program. The recession has resulted … Read more