The Employment Situation in the US – May 2024

The total nonfarm payroll employment in the United States increased by 223,000 in May 2018. Coincidentally, the unemployment rate in the United States edged down further to 3.8%, as reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. There has been a steady uptick in employment in several industries. These industries include retail trade, health care, and construction. Over the years, the unemployment rate in the country edged down by 0.5% which … Read more

Second Stimulus Check: Eligibility & Payment

Although the businesses have reopened, millions of Americans continue to struggle to get a job and meet their basic needs. To help the unemployed, Congress has announced a second Coronavirus stimulus package. In this post, we will guide you through the eligibility requirements to qualify for the second stimulus check and lots more. But before that, let’s learn more about the new stimulus package.   What Is The Second Stimulus Check … Read more

Here’s All That You Should Know About The Enhanced Child Tax Credit

Child tax credit eligibility

President Biden established the Enhanced Child Tax Credit  under the American Rescue Plan in March 2021. The enhanced tax credit will be rolled out as an advance on 2021 taxes in monthly installments. Read on to know about child tax credit eligibility, payment, and much more.  Who Is Eligible To Receive The Maximum Credit? You can receive full credit if you are a married couple who files taxes jointly and … Read more

Return-To-Work Bonus : An Alternative To Unemployment Benefits

After shutting down for a long time, businesses across the United States have finally reopened. However, the firms are facing trouble in getting people to work for them due to two major reasons—(1) people are scared they would contract the virus while working, (2) the unemployment benefits received under the pandemic relief package is much more than they would earn if they worked.  To encourage people to return to work, … Read more

A Beginners Guide To Severance Package

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs due to the Coronavirus-induced economic shutdown. As tough it is to lose a job, people are now finding it difficult to collect their deserved severance package. While some workers are receiving severance pay for fewer weeks than expected, many others are getting the payment based on their base wage and not the total income.  Here, we will walk through what an employee can … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – May 2024 (Household & Establishment)

After months of dormancy, there is finally some news to cheer about for Americans with respect to the unemployment situation in the country. The national Unemployment Rate fell by 0.3 percentage points in May 2016 to clock 4.7 percent with gains of 484,000 jobs during this month. The number of jobless persons in the country at the end of May was 7.4 million. Healthcare lead the bandwagon by creating the … Read more

Job Growth Slowing as Trade Deficit Hits 10-year High

The drop in soybean exports and the record high increase in imports of consumer goods has created a US trade deficit which is at a 10-year high. This would mean that the Trump administration’s tariff-related measures to reduce the trade gap have been ineffective. New data suggests that private employers hired fewer workers than expected in November and this points to the moderation in the pace of the job growth. … Read more

When Will The Extended Unemployment Benefits End In Vermont?

Vermonters who have exhausted their benefits received through the regular Unemployment and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program were eligible to collect Extended Benefits (EB). But recently, the U.S. Department Of Labor has notified the state’s Department Of Labor that it would end EB in Vermont. So, when will the extended unemployment benefits end in Vermont? In this post, we will tell you when exactly the Extended Benefits will end … Read more

How Good is the Trump Economy?

To spell it out in his own words, President Trump tweeted, “In many ways, this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America.” This poses a question of whether the economy is doing exceptionally well post the Obama administration. This is based on the big difference between the level of economic performance and the direction of change in the economy based on the pace of development. How much economic … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – November 2015(Household & Establishment)

The month of November was a feather in the cap of stable employment scenario in the country witnessed over the last couple of months. During this month, various sectors contributed 211,000 jobs with an unemployment rate that remained the same as last month at 5.0 percent. Year on year, the jobless rate was down by 0.8 percentage and unemployed persons by a whopping 1.1 million. Let’s unveil the monthly news … Read more