This Report Has Home Builders Terrified

Home Builders Are Scared

Home builders are very worried about a recent survey released by John Burns Real Estate Consulting. Now builders are canceling home construction and slashing jobs as the market for new construction cools down – prompting some home builders to embrace the message of “hoard your cash and hang on to hardhats.” The survey was conducted with 320 participants in over 84 different metro areas around the country, with its results … Read more

Did Bank of America Steal Your Money? Company Fined $225 Million for Withholding Pandemic Benefits

Bank of America Fined

Bank of America was recently slapped on the wrist with fines totaling $225 million! What did they do, you ask? No, they didn’t open multiple fake accounts to meet sales goals like those notorious outlaws over at Wells Fargo. Instead, they really screwed up delivering unemployment benefits during the height of the pandemic – a time when vulnerable consumers out of work and stuck at home needed money to pay … Read more

The Employment Situation June 2024

FUN Unemployment June 2018

June 2018 sees the total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 213,000 and the unemployment rate rise 4.0% from the previous 3.9%. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics has stated that job growth mostly occurred in the professional and business services, manufacturing and healthcare industries while retail trade industries faltered and lost jobs. Household Survey Data: June saw the total unemployment rate rise by 0.2 percent to make the rate 4.0% … Read more

Federally-funded Unemployment Benefits Reduced in Michigan

The state of Michigan’s federally funded unemployment benefits have decreased due to the decreased unemployment rate. It is truly a great development for the state economy . As per the report of Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget Employment rate has widely increased over 9.3 percent since December 2011, which is almost 2 percent drop down, while compared to January 2011. As the statistical report states that the story as 2011 … Read more

The Employment Situation – June 2024

The Employment Situation June 2019

The employment situation in June has shown promise in creating opportunities and increasing wage growth. The performance by the US economy has exceeded the expectations as it added nearly 224,000 jobs, thus providing more opportunities against the market expectations of 162,000 jobs. The employment situation in June, therefore, has created more optimism among the policy-makers and job seekers after a brief period of slow growth. The rate of unemployment has seen … Read more

Social Security Disability Benefits Claims At 15-Year Low

In the US, the Social Security Disability Insurance program is one of the most misused programs. The newly added feature states that those who received SSDI benefits would be reviewed. Before the added feature, once people are in the SSDI system that they can rarely get off until now. A New York Times report suggests that social security plunged as the economy continues to get stronger. This shows that disability … Read more

All About Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The federal government offers several programs to low-income households to help them support their livelihood. One such presentation is the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The LIHEAP helps qualified low-income families pay their heating and cooling energy costs (gas or electric utilities). But who qualifies for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program?  In this article, we will guide you through the eligibility criteria for LIHEAP. But before that, let … Read more

A Guide To The Second Round Of Paycheck Protection Program

Recently, Congress has announced a second stimulus package under which the unemployed Americans will get $600 stimulus payments. In addition to offering financial assistance to the unemployed citizens, the package also provides aid to the small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  In this article, we will tell you who qualifies for the second round of the Paycheck Protection Program and lots more about it.  What Is A Paycheck … Read more

Top 5 States With the Lowest & Highest Unemployment Rates in the US – 2015

It’s nearly the end of yet another fruitful year in terms of falling unemployment numbers and growing employment opportunities across the US. The year 2015 carried over the legacy from 2014 by recording a jobless rate of 5.7 percent at the end of January 2015. Since then, the employment scenario has seen a marginal improvement, month over month. As an individual, what really matters to you is the employment situation … Read more

U.S Economy Adds Jobs, Unemployment Rate drops to 7.7%

It takes more than a Superstorm to disrupt the U.S job market. Superstorm Sandy didn’t do as much damage as was anticipated to the nation’s employment situation, at least that’s what the government monthly data on the jobs market told when it illustrated the nation’s jobless rate dip to 7.7%. Forecasters and businesses, however, by now are looking past that report to the risks to jobs from the economic cliff. … Read more