The Employment Situation – July 2019

The Unemployment Situation July 2019

The employment situation for the month of July has seen little changes from the previous month. The unemployment rate remains at 3.7 percent in July, indicating that the rate remains unchanged. The job growth, however, has not increased in comparison to the previous month. The important news to emerge from the ‘Employment Situation Report- July 2019’ is that the job growth numbers given for May and June have been revised. … Read more

The Employment Situation – January 2024

The Employment Situation January 2020

January saw the total nonfarm payroll rise by 225,000, which is a notable increase as compared to last month. However, there was a very slight change in the unemployment rate, which currently stands at 3.6%. The unemployment rate for December was 3.5% respectively. Major Ups and Downs in January  The U.S Bureau of Labor and Statistics reported notable job gains in the fields of construction, healthcare, transportation, and Warehousing. Employment … Read more

US Government Shutdowns For a Second Time in 3 Weeks

For a second time, Congress pushed hard to reach a deal for government funding past midnight but failed. This has lead the federal government to a shutdown in just three weeks since the previous one. Senate had originally reached a deal the previous day, it focused on lifting spending caps and raising military spending and the bill was stalled in the upper chamber for hours. Kentucky Republican Rand Paul held … Read more

Fall In US Unemployment Rate, But Does It Indicate Growth?

The latest data released by the Bureau of Labor statistics suggests that the jobless rate has gone down by 0.2 percent in the month of July. In June the jobless rate was 7.6 and has fallen to 7.4 in July, the lowest rate since December 2008. The private sector added 161,000 jobs in July. This sector was expected to add at least 195,000 jobs after a prior estimate of 202,000. … Read more

Industry Unrest in US – Fast Food Employees Uprising

Slow & steady, from New York to several Midwestern cities, thousands of fast-food personnel have been holding one-day strikes during peak meal times, quickly drawing national attention to their demands for higher wages. Their chief demand is for a hike in hourly wage to $15 in times of surge in cost of living. Contemporary median hourly wage in the fast food industry is $9.05 which seems to be out of … Read more

Unemployment Insurance Fraud

United States is one of the few countries in the World which maintains a well frameworked and efficient social security benefits system in place. A range of benefits for all ethnic groups, ages and classes makes it a leader in social welfare schemes across the World. Many of the developed and booming economies across the globe have replicated these schemes in their own countries benefitting millions of citizens. Unemployment Insurance … Read more

Employment Situation Across USA – December 2024

The year 2015 has been quite an important year for the employment situation in the country. Though it did not witness drastic fall or significant climb, It has more or less carried over the legacy of 2014, an important year that saw fast-paced improvement by creating jobs across sectors and therefore directly impacting the jobless rates by bringing them down, month on month. The year 2015 ended on a happy … Read more

The Employment Situation – December 2024

The Employment Situation December 2018

Total employment in the nonfarming sector has seen a considerable rise in the month of December. The nonfarm sector witnessed an addition of 312,000 jobs, which in comparison to November (added 155,000 jobs), is substantial growth. The rate of unemployment, however, increased in December from 3.7% in November to 3.9%, in spite of the job additions. The employment situation in December has also influenced by major government decisions such as … Read more

Employment Situation Across the USA – December 2024 (Household & Establishment)

Every month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases a news release called ‘The Employment Situation’. Detailing how employment is faring in all industries within the United States. The month of December saw no changes to the overall unemployment rate. However, most of the industries in the United States did create a steady increase of jobs in line with 2016. The national unemployment rate for December 2017, remains at 4.1 percent, … Read more

7 Government Food Assistance Programs for the Unemployed

Food Assistance

Government food assistance programs cover a wide demographic. You may be automatically eligible for several programs depending upon your circumstances. The programs generously provide temporary assistance to help you get the nutritional support you need. Government Food Assistance Programs for the Unemployed TEFAP SNAP D-SNAP National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs WIC Nutrition Program FDPIR Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) These food assistance programs have holistic nutrition front and … Read more