Massachusetts unemployment declines to 9.2 percent in April

The unemployment rate of Massachusetts has dropped for the second consecutive month. It stands at 9.2 percent currently. About 19,100 jobs were added this April taking the job count to 3,167,000 in Massachusetts.

The major job gain came from professional, scientific and business services which was 7,200 jobs. The second sector from which the jobs were gained was construction.Education and health services added 3000 jobs. The hardest hit industry, construction, added about 4,000 jobs. The manufacturing industry added 1,500 jobs. Simultaneously, the leisure and the hospitality industry lost many jobs. The repair and personal services and the information sector that includes software and other publishers also contributed to job losses in Massachusetts.

“We are on the mend and on the move,” Governor Deval Patrick said while speaking about Massachusetts unemployment . “Still, I understand that positive statistics mean little to the person who is out of work and looking for a job.  For them and for our future, we will keep pushing.”

The government added 2,600 jobs itself. The retailers added 1,500 jobs.

The job growth in the state shows that the economy has started to accelerate in Massachusetts, there by increasing the confidence of the investors.

If you want to understand the details of unemployment claims in the state, then refer the unemployment benefits guide of Massachusetts.