Georgia unemployment rate dips to 10.4 percent

The unemployment rate of Georgia was 10.4 percent in April. The biggest concern is that the state’s unemployment rate has exceeded that of the nation‘s unemployment rate for the thirty first time. The number of unemployed people since 27 months rose from 215,100 to 204,700. The economists feel that many of the long-term unemployed take the occasional step forward – a job lead or interview — only to fall back again and again when jobs don’t materialize.

In April, the unemployment rate of Georgia showed a slight dip. But at the same time, the number of people who have been enjoying the unemployment benefits also increased.

About 27,000 jobs were added in April. So currently, 3.8 million Georgians have jobs, where as 3.9 million of them had jobs last year.

The experts feel that the economic recession has brought so may effects like unemployment, foreclosures, credit crunches, corporate failures, bank crisis and so on.

As per statistics, the number of Georgians filing first-time unemployment insurance claims last month dropped 12.4 percent from March. As expected, laid-off construction, factory and retail workers filed most of the claims.

The experts say that the majority of the long-term full time employees were the bread winners of the families and now they may have to wait for some more time to get full time employment in the future.

If you want to understand the unemployment claims of this state, then refer the unemployment benefits guide.

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