Employment Situation Across USA – October 2015

For most of you following our updates in the articles section regularly, we’ve been breaking down monthly releases from the Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS), U.S Department of Labor that talks about the overall unemployment situation in the country for the previous month. It is a comprehensive report that gives an in depth analysis and covers all states in the U.S. If you’re someone who is curious to know the nitty gritties about the improving employment situation in the country, you must read further to understand the latest data surrounding employment and unemployment.

Let’s go ahead unravel some interesting facts and figures from Regional and State Employment and Unemployment, a monthly news release from the BLS unveiled on November 20, 2015.

During the month of October 2015, the national unemployment rate was 5.0 percent, reaching new heights by falling to the lowest during this year. Compared to 2014, it fell considerably by 0.7 percentage points. Overall, 32 states and the District of Columbia witnessed decreases in the unemployment rates during this month, 15 states registered the same rate while 3 states surged.

Split – State wise(Non farm Payroll Employment & Unemployment)

Employment opportunities increased in a whopping 40 states with D.C, fell in 9 states and Delaware remained stable.

Top 3 States with biggest job gains(Over the month)

1) California (+41,200)

2) Florida (+35,200)

3) Ohio (+30,800)

Top 3 States with considerable number of job declines(Over the month)

1) Louisiana (-6,200)

2) Indiana (-3,400)

3) North Carolina (-3,100)

Top 5 States With Highest Incline in Employment Rate(Over the month)

1) Idaho (+1.1%)

2) Alaska ( +0.9 %)

3) Wyoming (+0.8%)

Top States with Considerable Decline in Employment Rate(Over the Month)

1) Louisiana (-0.3%)

2) North Dakota (-0.2%)

Compared to 2014, non farm employment opportunities went up in 47 states and the D.C and fell in just 3 states. Idaho(+3.8%), Utah(+3.5%) and Nevada(+3.4 percent) were the top three states in the category of states that saw the highest number of job additions. On the flipside, North Dakota(-2.1 percent), West Virginia(-1.8 percent) and Louisiana(-0.5 percent) were the leading states that witnessed considerable loss of jobs.

State Unemployment

  • Continuing to lead the charts was North Dakota, the state with the lowest unemployment rate in the entire country at just 2.8 percent. We must say, it continues to be a model state for the rest in the country.
  • On the contrary, West Virginia stood low with the highest unemployment rate at 6.9 percent, continuing its dismal performance.
  • In consolidation, 20 states recorded jobless rates lower than that of the national average, 12 states with District of Columbia posted higher rates and 18 states hovered around this average.
  • Compared to numbers from the same month in 2014, 25 states with the D.C posted lower rates. The remainder were not appreciably different from that statistics in 2014.

Break Up – Region wise(Non farm Payroll)

During October 2015, Midwest continued to trend up and lead the pack with an unemployment rate of 4.5 percent(lowest) and West with 5.5 percent was the highest. The good news is no region had significant change in jobless rate.   

  • Northeast – 4.6%
  • South – 5.0%
  • Midwest – 4.2%
  • West – 5.3%

Split By Geographic Division

  • West North Central – 4.0% (Lowest among all geographical divisions)
  • East South Central & Pacific – 5.6% (Highest jobless rate among all divisions)

If you landed on this page looking for latest information on unemployment situation in the country, you must be aware of the government program that provides up to 26 weeks of monetary compensation for unemployment on the basis qualification. Read more about this scheme by navigating on the home page as desired.