
New Hampshire Unemployment Job Search Requirements

Looking for work and providing proof of a search for work is a basic eligibility requirement when collecting unemployment benefits. Having a potential return to work date with a seasonal employer is not a guarantee of a waiver of your work search responsibility. You may be required to look for work that you are able to perform during the off season. The entry of work search activity records is required when filing a continued claim for unemployment benefits online.

While there is no specific number of contacts you must make each week per NH Law, you are expected to do what a reasonably prudent person would do in order to return to work. A specific and required number of contacts may be established for you by the Local Office staff based on your qualifications, experience, length of unemployment and labor market area. You must report all work search contacts when filing your weekly continued claim. Failure to seek work and/or provide an accurate record of your work search efforts may result in disqualification from receiving benefits. You may be found overpaid for benefits previously paid to you. To help you keep track of your work search efforts, the Department has Work Search Logs available at each local office. You can also download a Work Search Log from here.

If you are scheduled for an Eligibility Review Interview or Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment, you will be asked to bring work search records with you for the period of the review. The Department will review all contacts reported on your weekly continued claims as well as any additional documented efforts you bring evidence of during these meetings.

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