
New Hampshire Unemployment Benefit Questions

What happens if I move from my current address?

If your address or telephone number changes, you must update your contact information. Your benefits may be late if you do not answer letters mailed to your address on record or do not report to an appointment. The easiest way to update your address and/or telephone number is online.

What happens when my Unemployment Insurance benefits run out?

Additional Unemployment Compensation programs may be availability. Check frequently for updates on possible federal unemployment extensions.

Additional assistance: New Hampshire has a Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program TANF can help with food stamps, financial assistance, training, and job searching. You can dial 211 to get additional information regarding available assistance.

When will I get my check?

After your initial claim is completed, it is immediately transmitted to the Benefit Adjudication Unit for processing. Your monetary eligibility is determined and a Determination of Unemployment Compensation mailed that detail your potential WBA (weekly benefit amount). This document is not a guarantee of payment. If there are questions on non-monetary eligibility conditions, you may be contacted for additional information.

Depending on the number of questions about your claim, if any, you can expect to be contacted and/or receive a Determination of Eligibility within 30 days. If you are unemployed for any reason other than lack of work, more time may be needed to process your claim. If you are found eligible, checks will be issued for any timely weeks filed at the same time the final non-monetary eligibility determinations are made. Remember to file for weekly benefits (also known as continued claims) according to the instructions provided. You will only receive payment for continued claims that are filed timely.

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