
Montana Unemployment Job Search Requirements

If you are termed eligible to receive benefits, you enter phase – 2 of claiming process. Here, you need to maintain a work search log and file a claim each week. More information on weekly claims here. Let us focus on why you need to apply and constantly look for jobs. Unemployment compensation is provided as a temporary aid to people who are unemployed through no fault of their own. They are responsible to take the aid and get back work at the earliest. In order to ensure that recipients are not living off the compensation, there work search requirements are put in place.

You can complete a Claimant Agreement online and sign electronically. If you filed by telephone you will receive a Work Search form in the mail. You must then sign and return the second page.

You are expected to look for work if you are filing for benefits, unless you are job or union-attached or in approved training.

If you are required to look for work, you must:

1. Register for work and keep your registration active at your local Workforce Service Center. You may register online or call or visit your local Workforce Service Center. If you do not register by the date indicated under Section B of the Work Search Classification form, you will not receive unemployment insurance benefits until you do register for work.

2. To remain actively registered, you must receive a reemployment service from a Workforce Service Center at least once every 90 days.

3. Make at least one application for work each week you claim benefits. All contacts must be made with a person who has hiring authority and written applications must be filed where accepted. The same employer(s) may not be used for required contacts in consecutive weeks unless requested by the employer.

4. Keep the record of your work search contacts for 3 years in case your claim is selected for an audit.

Refusing Work or Referrals to Work

Failure to apply for or accept work you are qualified to perform could affect your benefits. After half of your benefits have been paid, you must be willing to accept a job paying 75% of your previous wage, but not less than federal minimum wage. Any refusals of work must be reported on your bi-weekly request for payment of benefits.

Refusing work means:
You turned down work that was offered to you or you did not work all the hours that were available to you.
Referral to work means:
You were sent to a job interview by Workforce Services where an opportunity for work existed. When you are referred, you must apply as instructed.


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