
Montana Unemployment Benefit Questions

Why haven’t I received my benefits yet?

Here are some of the reasons for withheld benefits –

  • Failed to return any paperwork timely.
  • Failed to timely request your bi-weekly payments.
  • Your claim closed because you did not file for two weeks in a row.
  • You reported excessive earnings or hours for two or more weeks in a row.
  • You have issues pending a determination by the Unemployment Insurance Division. Remember, you must continue to file while waiting for a decision.

Can I get benefits after I’ve been disqualified?

Yes, you can go ahead and file an appeal if termed ineligible. There are two ways to overcome a disqualification –

  1. You can follow your appeal rights.
  2. You can requalify as described in your determination. If you have questions, call the Claims Processing Center.

My employer thinks I should get benefits, why am I not eligible?

Employers do not determine eligibility. The Unemployment Insurance Division reviews information provided by both you and your employer to determine if your separation meets eligibility requirements based on Montana law and rule.

Can anyone obtain information about my claim or file for my benefits?

No, unless you have given written authority to allow another person to obtain information on your claim. You are the only one who will have access to your claim information and you are the only one who can file for your benefits.
NOTE: Allowing another person to have access to your PIN and file benefits for you is considered fraud and may have legal consequences.

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