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Missouri Unemployment Benefits

Missouri Unemployment Benefits

Unemployment Insurance in Missouri is a joint state-federal initiative for unemployed workers who lost their job through no fault of their own. The program helps job seekers find work while providing them with temporary financial assistance.

Missouri UI Benefits Calculator

The Missouri Unemployment Benefits Calculator helps you estimate your UI weekly benefits amount.

UI Benefits Calculator
Calculate Your Missouri Unemployment Benefits

See our Missouri unemployment calculator to estimate your UI benefit payments.

Missouri Unemployment Calculator

The Unemployment Insurance program is handled by the Missouri Department of Employment and Security (DES). Explore more about how to apply for benefits in Missouri, the eligibility criteria, documents needed and other important details you’ll need to know to apply for benefits in the state of Missouri.

Eligibility Requirements or UI Benefits In Missouri

To be eligible for unemployment benefits in Missouri, you must have been employed and earned a requisite amount of wages during your base period. You will also have to establish the reason for separation with your previous employer. You must also be a United States citizen or be legally allowed to work in the state of Missouri. Once you begin receiving the benefits, you will have to maintain your eligibility criteria by promptly making an effort to find job opportunities.

Monetary Eligibility

In order to verify if you have the monetary eligibility, your work history will determine if the wages you’ve earned during the base period meets the necessary criteria. The Missouri DES will consider the duration worked and the wages earned in the base period to evaluate if you qualify for unemployment benefits in Missouri.

To be eligible for UI benefits in Missouri, you must have earned a minimum of $2,250 (at least $1,500 in just one calendar quarter, and a minimum of $750 during the rest of the year) from an insured employer during your Base Period. Also, your total wages during the base period must be at least 1.5 times the highest quarter wages.

If your base period wages are not at least 1.5 times your highest-earning quarter. You must have received at least 1.5 times the wages you received during your highest-earning quarter in at least two of the four quarters.

Find out more about eligibility requirements

Job Separation

Missouri law states that you must be unemployed through no fault of your own. You must explain the reason why you separated from your employer in order to qualify for UI benefits.

You may be disqualified if you were fired or quit your job without a good reason.

  • You were asked to leave due to your incapacity or unwillingness to carry out work-related tasks
  • You quit your previous organization due to lack of interest
  • You were asked to leave from your previous organization due to misconduct
  • You were involved in criminal activity

The reason for your job separation will be verified by the state of Missouri to ensure that you have not made a false statement. The officials may contact your ex-employer to verify your statements.

Eligibility Calculator

Maintaining Eligibility

In order to receive weekly unemployment compensation, you must meet ongoing eligibility requirements.

Each week, you must satisfy work search requirements and report any earned income every time you apply for benefits. Payments may be halted if there are any issues concerning your eligibility.

Your weekly payments may be stopped if any of the following points apply to you:

  • You were not able to work during the benefit period due to a prolonged health issue affecting your ability to work
  • You were not available for work during the benefit period
  • You are physically and/or mentally incapable of working
  • You did not apply for jobs or perform 3 weekly work search activities
  • You refuse a suitable job offer

Find out on job search requirements

How To Apply For UI Benefits In Missouri

You will need the following documents to apply for benefits in the state of Missouri:

Apply Online:

File an initial claim for UI benefits using Missouri’s UInteract portal. Once you create an account and verify your identity, you can log in to file a new claim, request weekly payments, track the status of your claim, and more. Before applying, make sure you have your Social Security number, pay stubs, employer information, and bank information if you want to set up direct deposit.

Learn how to apply for Missouri UI benefits

How To File Weekly Claims

After you are approved for Missouri unemployment benefits, you must continue to file weekly claims to receive payments. Weekly certifications are done online through the UInteract system. You must certify each week that you are able and available to work, and are actively seeing work. You will be asked to perform 3 work search requirements each week and report any earnings or job offers.

Learn how to claim weekly benefits

Things To Know After Filing An Application

Your roles and responsibilities do not end once you file for unemployment insurance benefits in Missouri. You are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations as dictated by the DLIR throughout the benefits period to receive unemployment benefits in Missouri without any hindrance.

There are also many services given by the state, which are aiming at making you more competent. You need to be aware of the training programs and their eligibility requirements to make use of such opportunities.

Overpayments and Fraud

Overpayments occur when claimants receive benefits they don’t deserve. This may occur for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Failing to report your earnings during the benefit period
  • Appeal judgment decreasing the weekly benefit amount
  • You did not meet the job search requirements
  • If you get a job but also file a weekly claim, the UI benefits amount you received will be considered an overpayment

You are required to repay the excessive amount you received to the DES if the department serves you a notice for an overpayment. The DES will inform when and by how much you were overpaid. If you have any qualms with the notice, you have the right to appeal and request a hearing with the Appeals Tribunal.

If the DES finds out that you committed Missouri unemployment fraud, your benefits will be denied. You may face penalties of up to 100% of the overpaid amount. Such fraudulent activities can also lead to criminal charges.

Benefits Extension

Normally, Missouri unemployment benefits last up to 20 weeks. However, if the unemployment rate is too high, Missouri may offer extended benefits. There is also Disaster Unemployment Assistance which can be triggered when a region experiences a natural disaster. During the COVID pandemic, the CARES Act provided additional benefits like Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), but those programs expired in 2021. Learn more about Missouri unemployment benefit extensions.

Job Training Assistance

If you wish to improve your skills and participate in programs that give you a competitive edge in the job market, take a look at the training programs offered by

Visit a Missouri Career Center to plan your career through comprehensive self-assessment which helps you to become more visible in the job market. Trained staff can help with the following reemployment services:

  • Career planning
  • Resume writing
  • Self-assessment
  • Career exploration
  • Labor Statistics
  • Wage bargaining
  • Interview preparation

Most jobs require specialized training that is well beyond a high school diploma. Most Missouri employers prefer candidates who have undergone at required safety training backed by industry-level credentials. It’s helpful to identify the appropriate training programs that add value to your resume.

Find job training opportunities in MO

Missouri unemployment contact information

If you have questions about your claim for Missouri unemployment benefits, or need help filing, you can call the Regional Claims Center.

If you are looking for help with finding a new job, including resume writing help and training programs, visit your local Missouri Job Center.

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