
Maine Unemployment Job Training

The Maine Department of Labor is a workforce development agency and uses a variety of federal and state programs. Workers who lose their jobs due to foreign imports may be eligible for training and other services if their employers have been “certified” under the Trade Adjustment Assistance laws (TAA). A list of certified employers is available under the Special Programs section.

The CareerCenter can work with you to set goals, find training, and identify financial resources to make your plan possible. CareerCenters are the providers of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) services in Maine.

For job seekers CareerCenters provide an informational center and a full range of services including:

  • A preliminary assessment of skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, and support service needs
  • Workshops on a variety of topics including networking, job search techniques, resume writing and more
  • Information on a full array of employment-related services, including information about local education and training service providers
  • Help filing claims for unemployment insurance and evaluating eligibility for job training and education programs or student financial aid
  • Job search and placement assistance and career counseling
  • Access to up-to-date labor market information which identifies job vacancies, skills necessary for in-demand jobs, and provides information about local, regional and national employment trends

Anyone can come into a local CareerCenter and access the Information Center, review job postings, or attend workshops is eligible for CareerCenter services. For adult or dislocated workers in need of additional services, there are 3 types of services:

Core services include initial assessment, job search and placement assistance, and career counseling.

Intensive services include in-depth assessment, counseling and career planning, and pre-vocational services for unemployed individuals unable to obtain jobs through core services, as well as employed individuals needing additional training services to reach self-sufficiency.

Training services are available to those who are eligible for intensive services but have been unable to obtain employment through those services. The dislocated worker program assists workers displaced by disasters, mass layoffs, or plant closures to regain economic security. Core services are provided to return individuals to work as quickly as possible.