
Maine Unemployment Benefit Questions

How much will I receive?

The dollar amount you are qualified to receive each week is called your weekly benefit amount. It is based on your earnings during a set period prior to losing your job. The figure is calculated by dividing the average of your wages in the 2 highest quarters of your base period by 22. The maximum weekly benefit you can receive is $372.00 (plus $10 per dependent per week up to one half the weekly benefit amount).

Are all earnings reportable each week?

Yes. You must report all earnings from all jobs for the week the work was performed even if you were not paid that week. Your first $25.00 will not affect your unemployment check. Earning greater than $25.00 will be deducted from your benefits.  If you earn more than $5.00 above your weekly benefit amount, you will not be eligible for benefits for that week.

What happens if I am discharged for crime in connection with work?

If you are discharged for conviction of a felony or misdemeanor in connection with your work, you will be disqualified until you have earned $600.00 or eight times your weekly benefit amount in employment “covered” under the unemployment law, whichever is greater.

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